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TopicFunder is an R package that extracts funding information from the DFG-Database (GEPRIS) and produces dataframes for further analysis and visualization. It originated as a by-product of a master's thesis at the University of Oldenburg, Germany and is developed and maintained by Nico Blokker and Alena Klenke.


The software in this package is for educational purposes only. It is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! See LICENSE.txt for further information.



What does it do?

The package scrapes information from the GEPRIS-database of the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft): Since there is no API (yet) it can be used to build and analyze dataframes.



Enter a name and get a dataframe back, which you can plot as a network

name <- "Nüsslein-Volhard, Christiane"
df <- meta_fun(name, reqtime = 5)

Longer version

  • meta_fun mainly wraps around three other functions:

  • fasteR: enter a name -> get an ID

  • find_info: get information belonging to this ID (like affiliation or DFG-projects)

  • steps: finds the collaborating scientists of said projects based on the project-ID

  • please put an appropriate delay between the requests (reqtime = 5)

  • instead of plotting the data you can also export it directly as an igraph-object

    • g <- plotteR(df, plotting = F)
  • if you are interested in more then one scientist, you can also enter their names or IDs into meta_fun or chain it with the apply-family

  • how to get names?

    • get_names let's you specify field and subdisciplines even without entering a specific name first
get_names("Biologie", hits = 5)
## See '' for structure details
## for example set 'fachkollegium' to 201 and 'fach' to 20105

##                          names  ids
## 1              Fromherz, Peter 5470
## 2       Grieshaber, Manfred K. 5564
## 3     Meyer, Elisabeth Irmgard 5981
## 4 Nüsslein-Volhard, Christiane 6080
## 5              Rottland, Franz 6235