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Guidelines to apply the TDD practice, how suggest by Kent Beck in his book 'Test Driven Development: By Example'


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TDD By Example

The goal is to cover all needed steps to apply TDD how suggest by Kent Beck in Test Driven Development: By Example and provide guide lines for the developers.

Chapter 1

  1. Write Unit Test

    1. Run test
    2. Test doesn't compile
  2. Use IDE to create class, constructor, methods and fields

    1. Run test
    2. Bingo! Test fails

    N.B. Now we have a concrete measure of failure.

  3. The smallest change in order that our test to pass

     public int amount = 10;
  4. Remove duplication between the data in the test and the data in the code.

    1. Remove duplication, moving the setting of the amount from object initialization to the times() method.
     public void times(int multiplier) {
         amount = 5 * 2;

    4.2 substitute the parameters amount and multiplier for the constants

Chapter 2

  1. Find eventual implementation error

     public void testMultiplication(){
         Dollar five = new Dollar(5);
         assertEquals(10, five.amount);
         assertEquals(15, five.amount);

    N.B. Test fails! After the first call to times() five isn't five aby more, it's really ten.

  2. We return a new object from times(), then we can multiply our original amount and never have it change.

Chapter 3 - Equity for All

Use Value Objects in order to use objects as value. The values of the instance variables of the object never change once they have been set in the constructor.

  • You needn't worry about aliasing.
  • All operations must return a new object.
  • Should implement equals().
  • Use Triangulation and generalize equals() and other methods that need it.
    • We generalize code when we have two examples or more.

Chapter 4 - Privacy

  1. Defined equality, we can use it to make our tests more "speaking".
    1. Dollar.times() should return Dollar
    2. Rewrite assertions to compare Dollars to Dollars
  2. Dollar is now the only class using its amount instance variable, so we can make it private

Chapter 5 - Franc-ly Speaking

  1. We need to have an object like Dollar, but to represent francs.
  2. What short step will get us to a green bar? Copying the Dollar code and replacing Dollar with Franc

Chapter 6 - Equality for All, Redux

We are going to find a common superclass for the two class.

  1. Create Money class as superclass.
  2. Move the amount instance variable up to superclass and the visibility has to change from private to `protected.
  3. Move up equals() and change the declaration of the temporary variable

Chapter 7 - Apples and Oranges

  1. What happens when we compare Francs and Dollars? It fails!
  2. The equality code needs to compare the class of the two objects.

Chapter 8

  1. Reconcile the two implementations of time(), making them both return Money.
  2. Introduce a Factory method in superclass that returns subclasses.
  3. Make Money abstract and declare Money.times().

No client code knows that there is a subclass called Dollar or Franc!

Chapter 9

We may want to have complicated objects representing currencies, with flyweight factories to ensure we create no more objects than we really need.

  1. Declare currency() in Money.
    abstract String currency();
    1. Implement it in both subclasses.
  2. We want the same implementation for both classes.
    1. Store currency in an instance variable.
    private String currency;
    public Dollar(int amount) {
         this.amount = amount;
         currency = "USD";
     public String currency() {
         return currency;
    private String currency;
    public Franc(int amount) {
         this.amount = amount;
         currency = "CHD";
     public String currency() {
         return currency;
    1. Push up declaration of the variable and the implementation of currency().
    protected String currency;
    String currency() {
         return currency;
  3. Add parameter currency to the constructor.
  4. Move constant strings USD and CHF to the static factory methods.
    1. times() is calling the constructor. Clean up times() calling the factory method
  5. The two constructors are now identical, so we can push up the implementation.

Chapter 10

  1. The two implementations of times() are close, but not identical.
    1. We have to go backward to go forward:
      • inline factory methods
      • use currency instance variable.
      public Money times(int multiplier) {
            return new Dollar(this.amount * multiplier, this.currency);
      public Money times(int multiplier) {
            return new Franc(this.amount * multiplier, this.currency);
  2. Change Franc.times() and Dollar.times() to return Money.
     public Money times(int multiplier) {
         return new Money(amount * multiplier, this.currency);
  3. Change Money to concrete class and improve equals().
  4. Now the two implementations are identical. Push up times() implementation.

Chapter 11 - The Root of All Evil

  1. Dollar and Franc have only their constructors.
    1. A constructor is not reason enough to have a subclass, we want to delete the subclasses!
  2. We can replace references to the subclasses with references to the superclass without changing the meaning of the code.
  3. Delete duplicated tests.

Chapter 12 - Addition, Finally

  1. Add a new feature about addition.
    1. Start with a simple example
     public void testSimpleAddition() {
         Money sum = Money.dollar(5).plus(Money.dollar(5));
         assertEquals(Money.dollar(10), sum);
    1. The implementation will be:
     public Money plus(Money added) {
         return new Money(amount + added.amount, currency);
  2. How are we going to represent multi-currency arithmetic?
    1. The solution is to create un object that acts like a Money but represents the sum of two Moneys.
    2. A metaphor is expression
      1. where Money is the atomic form of an expression.
      2. Operations result in Expressions, one of which will be a Sum.
    3. Apply this metaphor to our test
    public void testSimpleAddition() {
         assertEquals(Money.dollar(10), reduced);
    1. The reduced Expression is created by applying exchange rates to an Expression. What in the real worl applies exchange rates? A bank
    public void testSimpleAddition() {
         Bank bank = new Bank();
         Money reduced = bank.reduce(sum, "USD");
         assertEquals(Money.dollar(10), reduced);
    1. The sum of two Moneys should be an Expression
    public void testSimpleAddition() {
         Expressions sum =;
         Bank bank = new Bank();
         Money reduced = bank.reduce(sum, "USD");
         assertEquals(Money.dollar(10), reduced);
    1. We need an interface Expression.
    2. needs to return an Expression.
    3. We need a Bank class which fakes the implementation of reduce() method.

Chapter 13 - Make It

  1. needs to return a real Expression - Sum, not just a Money.
    public void testPlusReturnsSum() {
         Money five = Money.dollar(5);
         Expression result =;
         Sum sum = (Sum) result;
         assertEquals(five, sum.augend);
         assertEquals(five, sum.addend);
  2. Create Sum class with two fields (augend and addend), a constructor and needs to be a kind of Expression.
  3. Now Bank.reduce() is being passed a Sum
    public void testReduceSum() {
         Expression sum = new Sum(Money.dollar(3), Money.dollar(4));
         Bank bank = new Bank();
         Money result = bank.reduce(sum, "USD");
         assertEquals(Money.dollar(7), result);
  4. Implement Bank.reduce()
     public Money reduce(Expression source, String to){
         Sum sum = (Sum) source;
         int amount = sum.augend.amount +  sum.addend.amount;
         return new Money(amount, to);
    • The cast. This code should work with any Expression.
    • The public fields, and two levels of references at that.
  5. Move the body of the method Bank.reduce() to Sum and get rid of some of visible fields.
  6. How are we going to test/implement Bank.reduce() when the argument is a money?
    public void testReduceMoney() {
         Bank bank = new Bank();
         Money result = bank.reduce(Money.dollar(1), "USD");
         assertEquals(Money.dollar(1), result);
    1. Implement Bank.reduce()
     public Money reduce(Expression source, String to){
         if(source instanceof Money) return (Money) source;
         Sum sum = (Sum) source;
         return sum.reduce(to);

    Any time we are checking classes explicitly, we should be using polymorphism instead!

    1. Money implements reduce() and add reduce(String)to Expressioninterface. Then Eliminate all casts and class checks.


Guidelines to apply the TDD practice, how suggest by Kent Beck in his book 'Test Driven Development: By Example'








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