This is how we implement Yegara host #SMS getaway using the popular framework #Laravel.
Yegara HOST offers a Template-Based SMS API. you can use our API to send OTP, confirmation, reminders, and more.
Requests to our SMS API are sent to the following URL:
Note that only 1 request can be processed at a time, so please wait for your current request to finish before sending another request.
The request should have the following parameters:
|$username and $password | Your credential to access the API, which is available in your account. see how you can generate it Here|
|$to | | The user’s phone number you want to send the SMS to, you can use the following formats ‘+251960171717’, ‘251960171717’, ‘0960171717’ or ‘960171717’|
|$message | | a list of comma-separated values to replace placeholders in the template
|$template_id | | $template_id|
Click here [] to visit the website offical documentation.