Python console emailer is a console (terminal) based python application that allows the user to sign in to their email and send emails to others using the email encryption type of their choice (SSL or TLS). The application allows the user to insert multiple text or html sections in the email via the command line (terminal).
The purpose of this mini-project was to gain a greater understanding of how emails are created, encrypted, and sent. Therefore, the application was developed with the smtplib python module to emulate some of the functionality of the email python module.
- Choice of email encryption type (SSL or TLS)
- Email sign-in
- Specify display name
- User is able to change the display name that they would show up as in the inbox of the recipient (default is [email_username])
- Specify email subject
- Sending multi-part email
- Able to create multiple text and/or html email body sections
In the command line:
python -e ssl
python -e tls
For help, enter:
python -h
python --help