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This project is used for predicting whether NFL players will make the Pro Bowl or not based on their stats.

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Pro Bowler Prediction

This project's entire purpose is to predict whether a given NFL quarterback will make it to the Pro Bowl or not based on various machine learning models that have been trained on historical data. The knowledge gained from this project may help you select fantasy football options for next year, evaluate Quarterback strength objectively from a non-objective game such as the Pro Bowl, or simply flex on your friends with your newfound NFL IQ.


Please make sure that the following python libraries are installed and that you are on a Python 3.8 system.



In order to run the entirety of the project from data retrieval to creation of visualizations to preprocessing to model training and saving, run the following command. Please ensure that you are using Python 3.8.


In order to run just the single ensemble prediction after running the full experiment, go to the file, and change line 44 so that it points to the CSV with the QB stats you want to predict on, making sure that the CSV adhere to the specification in the docstring of that module. Then, run the following command:


Data Acquisition

My data acquisition functions are in the module and are called in the program. I looped over the NFL seasons from 1960 to 2019 and performed an HTTP request using the requests module for each of those years, specifying the URL of the data tables based on the year. Then, I used BeautifulSoup to simply retrieve each table. I dropped some columns and rows that were not necessary for my project, and then I renamed some columns and changed some values around to make it more friendly to machine learning approaches.

Data Exploration

I used histograms for each column and colored it based on the Pro Bowl status of the players. This allowed me to get a general feel for the data that I was dealing with. These are a few of the histograms I plotted:




As you can see, the histograms generally show histograms that do are not too much of a cause for concern. Sometimes, the distributions are relatively normal. Other times, the distributions are skewed. However, what is more important than a normal distribution is the distributions of each category. The coloring shows that each category has a similar distribution among columns, however, the Pro Bowlers are shifted slightly towards the more favorable stats.

I used boxplot to observe outliers, and I dealt with outliers by simply removing rows that had any column values more than 3 Z-scores away from the mean of that column. This did not trim the data down too much, so I was satisfied. By definition, Pro Bowlers are outliers, so I did not want to do anything too crazy here. Some example boxplots are shown below.




The pairplot was used to show correlation between columns, and I colored the data by category just as with the histogram. The image is very dense, so I recommend opening up the picture in a separate window. There is correlation between obvious columns such as touchdowns and touchdown percentage.


In order to evaluate the distribution further, I used seaborn to fit Kernel Density Estimation Curves on the histograms from earlier, again coloring by class. What is especially interesting is the Win column distribution, as Pro Bowlers tend to have more wins than their less skilled counterparts. Some of these curve fits were awkward, like the game winning drives's distribution.





Missing values were trivial to deal with, as I handled it in the There were some stats that were added in 1970, but the QBs before did not have those, so I had to drop those columns. Some QBs did not have stats for columns like fourth-quarter comebacks. For these, I felt it was ok to impute them with 0, as if the true value was not 0, it would have been recorded.

Within the actual module, I remove outliers based on Z-scores, and I have a function that standardizes each feature column in a dataframe, assuming the class is the first column.

I did not have to use dummy encoding as none of my predictors were categorical; they were all numerical. Because of my visualizations from earlier, I did not feel the need to transform the data, but I did feature engineer Win and Loss columns from the existing QBRec column, as a QB's record is very important in determining whether they make the Pro Bowl that year.

For further information, I also performed PCA both before and after SMOTE label balancing. It was mainly a way for me to assure myself that SMOTE did not do anything that was too problematic.



The fact that there are well defined clusters when I color by class in the post-SMOTE dataset is a good sign.

Model Selection

I chose the standard 80-20 split, and then, because of that imbalance between Pro Bowlers and non-Pro Bowlers, I applied SMOTE to the training dataset. The imbalance was to be expected simply due to the nature of the classification problem.

I used a Random Forest Classifier, Logistic Regression Model, and a Neural Network, and fed each of these with the same training and testing dataset. For the random forest classifier, I initially used mostly the default parameters. For the logistic regression, I used the liblinear solver, which is said to be ideal for small datasets. My neural network was a fully-connected model with alternating dense and dropout layers with ReLU activation functions and a final sigmoid activation function. No label encoding was necessary for this binary classification problem.

These three models were chosen due to their similarity and also because the dataset was small and did not have too many predictors. It is a case that is not as uncommon as one would think, so I think it was worthwhile to examine these three techniques for a quick way to create an accurate classifier for such a problem.


In the main script, full_experiment, I call three functions that each correspond to the three models' functions in the module. The classification report is created for each of the models. On the most recent run at the time of writing this README, the metrics are as follows. It is not too surprising that the scores for the Pro Bowler class are lower, as it would naturally be harder to predict a Pro Bowl caliber quarterback than otherwise. The accuracies are essentially the same for each model, showing that these are all viable relative to each other.

Random Forest Classifier
Precision Recall F1 Support
Non-Pro Bowler 0.94 0.93 0.93 442
Pro Bowler 0.61 0.65 0.63 79
Accuracy 0.88 521
Macro Average 0.78 0.79 0.78 521
Weighted Average 0.89 0.88 0.89 521
Logistic Regression Model
Precision Recall F1 Support
Non-Pro Bowler 0.97 0.89 0.93 442
Pro Bowler 0.57 0.84 0.68 79
Accuracy 0.88 521
Macro Average 0.77 0.86 0.80 521
Weighted Average 0.91 0.88 0.89 521
Neural Network
Precision Recall F1 Support
Non-Pro Bowler 0.94 0.92 0.93 442
Pro Bowler 0.60 0.67 0.63 79
Accuracy 0.88 521
Macro Average 0.77 0.80 0.78 521
Weighted Average 0.89 0.88 0.89 521

For the neural network, I also plotted the accuracy and loss over each epoch.



The fact that the accuracy is increasing steadily is a good sign, and the validation is swinging rapidly likely due to the small validation dataset. The same can be said of the loss. Each of the functions of the models also call helper functions that plot the ROC Curves and confusion matrix of the held out testing data sets. Note that this test set was not affected in anyway by SMOTE. The results are shown below.




The ROC Curves are all very similar and they are all decent, showing that models are all performing very well and similarly.




However, based on the confusion matrices, the logistic regression model significantly outperforms the other two models, as it is able to distinguish Pro Bowl players more accurately.

I also performed a K-fold cross validation using a function I created that creates identical models with the same random state, and I append the data to give the full X and y datasets, including SMOTE data, to this function. The K fold results are as follows:

Random Forest Accuracy: 0.945 with standard deviation of 0.009
Logistic Regression Accuracy: 0.902 with standard deviation of 0.012
Neural Network  Accuracy: 0.972 with standard deviation of 0.015

Based on the K-fold cross validation with 10 folds, it seems that the logistic regression performed the worst, which is interesting considering that the confusion matrices said otherwise. Also surprisingly, the neural network had the best results in the K-fold cross validation, while it was similar to the random forest throughout the other results. For these reasons, I can state with confidence that each model performs very similarly and performs surprisingly well despite the small amount of training data and predictors.

I thought I could get better results with fine tuning of the hyperparameters, and the current neural network is the result of tweaking the architecture, batch size, and epochs until I found the sweet spot via trial and error. The logistic regression did not require much tweaking, although I did explore different solvers with no discernible differences. For the random forest, I found the best hyperparameters via the improved_random_forest function in the module. Here, I take advantage of the RandomSearchCV class. The parameters that were the best are as follows:

{'n_estimators': 196, 'min_samples_split': 10, 'max_leaf_nodes': 49, 'max_features': 0.7, 'max_depth': 17, 'bootstrap': True}

The classification report is as follows:

Improved Random Forest Classifier
Precision Recall F1 Support
Non-Pro Bowler 0.95 0.93 0.94 442
Pro Bowler 0.63 0.72 0.67 79
Accuracy 0.89 521
Macro Average 0.79 0.82 0.81 521
Weighted Average 0.90 0.89 0.90 521

The accompanying figures are as follows:

irfRoc irfMatrix

As you can see, there are slight improvements. Because of this, I ended up saving this model along with the neural network and logistic regression for use in the ensemble classifier. I saved the forest and regression models via Pickle and the neural network via built-in Keras functionality.


Just for thoroughness, I created a bagging ensemble classifier using the BaggingClassifier class. The results were as follows via the K-fold cross validation:

Bagging Ensemble Accuracy: 0.942 with standard deviation of 0.013

As you can see, there is no discernible difference between the ensemble tree classifier and the regular tree classifier.

In the module, I have a function that loads the three saved models, and then takes in a dataframe with corresponding predictor columns to perform predictions on that dataset. The dataframe is standardized first. For each row in the dataframe, each model predicts whether the player is a Pro Bowler or not. Then, the majority of the three models' results are used as a Max Voting method in order to determine whether that player is a Pro Bowler ot not. A simply Max Voting approach made sense because of the binary classification and the very close behavior of each model.

This module is also used after running to predict on entirely new data, apart from the training and testing data. Simply set the path of the dataframe with this new dataframe on line 44 in


This project is used for predicting whether NFL players will make the Pro Bowl or not based on their stats.






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