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Asset Master application is accountable for managing portfolio’s of several companies at time by which you can maintain all such financial stock prices , mutual fund prices , provide integrity to calculate companies networth.

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Asset Master -- Portfolio Management System (MFPE)

A leading Financial Services Organization wants to strengthen its Middleware by exposing the core logic related to Portfolio Management as Microservices. This middle ware Microservices will be hosted on Cloud so that all the up/downstream applications can get an access to this for performing business transactions.

There will also be a customer Portal to be developed part of this scope that consumes these Microservices to view their portfolio information and sell their assets.


The Customer Portal displays the Login page to the customer. It interacts with the Authorization microservice and provides authorization using JWT .If the credentials are not available in the in-memory H2 database, It provides with an error message showing Invalid Credentials.

If the uer credentials are correct, it generates a token for the particular session. This token is also provided with an expiration time.

Upon succesfully logging in, the user gets redirected to Home page which has options to either show the newtworth of the user or the sell any assets

If the user selects Networth option, it redirects to networth page and shows the networth of the user.

When the user selects Sell stocks, the list of all the assets are displayed and the user gets to choose his assets to be sold and also the number of units to be sold.After selecting,the portal displays the updated networth page along with the stocks sold.

Project Details

Backend Microservices

  1. Daily Share Price
  2. Daily Mutual Fund NAV
  3. Calculate NetWorth

Auth Microservie

  1. Authentication Microservice

Frontend Microservices

  1. Customer Portal

Configuration Microservices

  1. Swagger Documentation

Backend Microservices

1. Daily Share Price

Daily Share Price Microservice returns the current market value of the shares.

It is a middleware microservice that contains an in-memory h2 databse which has details about the shares. Once the user gets authorized, this microservice returns the current price of the stock which is present in the database.

2.Daily Mutual Fund NAV

Daily  Mutual Fund returns the net asset value of each mutual fund.

It is a middleware mirco service that contains an in-memory h2 databse which has details about the mutual funds.Calculate Neworth microservice interacts with this microservice to get the Net asset value.

3. Calculate NetWorth

It interacts with Daily Share Price and Daily Mutual Fund NAV microservices using feign client to calculate the net worth of a user. 

It retrieves the assets corresponding to the customer portfolio.For each asset, it will interact with both Daily share price Microservice and Daily Mutual Fund NAV to get current market price for that asset and calculate the asset value by multiplying no of units and current market price of the asset. It will sum all these values to generate networth.

This Microservice has another feature to sell the assets. The user selects the assets to be sold and upon selling, the updated networth is to be calculated and is displayed to the user along with the assets sold.

Auth Microservice

1.Authorization Microservice

Authorization Microservice is to authenticate the users.

Authorization microservice gets the user credentials from the Customer portal microservice and validates the users. It creates a token using the Encryption Algorithm and a secret key which is valid for the entire session.

Configuration Microservice

1.Swagger Microservice

It provides a user interface to access our RESTful web services via the web browser. It dynamically generate documentation from a Swagger-compliant API. These files are bundled by the Swagger UI project to display the API on the browser. Besides rendering documentation, Swagger UI allows other API developers or consumers to interact with the API’s resources without having any of the implementation logic in place.

Front-end Microservice

1.Customer Portal Microservice

It displays networth of user and an option to sell the existing assets of the user

It interacts with __Calculate Networth__ and __Authorization__ microservices using feign client to calculate the net worth of a user.

It has a MVC architecture and upon successful login, it provides option to user to view the networth and to sell the existing stocks.

Upon successfully creating these microservices, the jar files for each and every microservice (except Customer Portal) using mvn clean install and add a Dockerfile which is used to create a docker image.

ECS cluster is created and each docker file is made to push into the docker registry and then is fetched in ECS as a task definition and tasks are running on ECS cluster on a Public IP.

The Web portal is made to run on local server and it interacts with the other microservices which are uploaded into aws cloud using public IP adresses.

Screenshots :


Asset Master application is accountable for managing portfolio’s of several companies at time by which you can maintain all such financial stock prices , mutual fund prices , provide integrity to calculate companies networth.







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