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Module for MagicMirror to show car data from VW We Connect ID


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A module to integrale informations from We Connect ID into the MagicMirror².

I currently don't have a MM so notify me when something is not working. Feel free to send an merge request


This module:


  • Will use the Pictures provided by the API
  • Location of your Car


  • Only works with Python 3.9 or higher

Alternative Module:


  • Works with nearly every Python Version


  • No Pictures of your own car (Always a white ID.3)
  • No Location of the Car



  • You have to register your VW ID at MyVolkswagen and have a valid WE Connect ID subscription

  • You need Python 3.9 or higher to connect to the Api. You can have a look here on how to install it. Short it works like this:

cd ~
tar -zxvf Python-3.9.15.tgz
cd Python-3.9.15
./configure --enable-optimizations
sudo make altinstall

If you use this description you need to set the python Parameter in the config to 3.9 and use python3.9 -m ... to install the packages.

  • If not done you have to install some Packages via Pip.
pip install Pillow
pip install weconnect[Images]

If Python 3.9 is not your default Python Version your command should look something like this.

python3.9 -m pip install Pillow
python3.9 -m pip install weconnect[Images]

Have a look at the config Table to see how you set the Python version in the module.

  • To use this module, clone this repository to your modules folder of your MagicMirror:
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone


The module needs the default configuration block in your config.js to work.

  module: 'MMM-weconnectid',
  position: "top_left",
  config: {
    username: "",
    password: "",
    vin: "",
    fields: '{"SOC":"remainingSoC","RANGE":"remainingKm","CLIMATE":"climatisation","ODOMETER":"odometer","LOADING TIME":"remainingTime","TARGET SOC":"targetSoC","LOADING POWER":"chargePower","KMPH":"chargekmph","POSITION":"position"}',
    fields_charging : ["LOADING TIME","TARGET SOC","LOADING POWER","KMPH"],
    number: 4,
    python: "python3",
    maxHeight: "300px",
    maxWidth: "800px",
    remainingSOCyellow: 70,
    remainingSOCred: 20,
    barstyle: "fluent",
    updateFrequency: 600000,
    timestamp: true,
    googleAPI: "",
    positions: [],

The following properties can be configured:

Option Description Options Default Required Type
username Your Login E-Mail - - yes Text
password Your Login Password - - yes Text
vin The VIN of your Vehicle - - yes Text
fields Fields that should be shown More Information - '{"SOC":"remainingSoC","RANGE":"remainingKm","CLIMATE":"climatisation","ODOMETER":"odometer","LOADING TIME":"remainingTime","TARGET SOC":"targetSoC","LOADING POWER":"chargePower","KMPH":"chargekmph","POSITION":"position"}' no Text
fields_charging Fields that should be shown during charging More Information - ["LOADING TIME","TARGET SOC","LOADING POWER","KMPH"] no List
number Number of fields in each row Any Number 4 no Number
python Python u want to use Any Python higher than 3.9 "python3" no Text
maxHeight Max Height of the Pictures Any px or % value "300px" no Text
maxWidth Max Width of the Pictures Any px or % value "800px" no Text
remainingSOCyellow Percentage when the Progress Bar of the Battery should be yellow 0-100 70 no Number
remainingSOCred Percentage when the Progress Bar of the Battery should be red 0-100 20 no Number
barstyle Style of the Progress Bar "fluent", "strict" "fluent" no Text
updateFrequency Update Frequency Any Value 600000 no Number
timestamp If the Timestamp should be shown. It shows the Date and time when the last update from the car was sent to the VW Server and the Time of the last Update of the Widget true, false true no Boolean
googleAPI Googel Maps API Key if you want to convert the Position of the Vehicle to an Adress More Information - - no Text
positions Custom Names for the Parking Position of the Car More Information - - no List


You can define which fields you want to see. The Format hast to be valid Json. The key will be used as the Header in the Table. You can Name that whatever you like. If you name them like in the default they will be translated vie the translation file.

The following Attributes are available:

Value Description
bonnetDoor Status of the Bonnet Door (Will also be shown in the Image, so not really necessary)
trunkDoor Status of the Trunk Door (Will also be shown in the Image, so not really necessary)
frontLeftDoor Status of the Front Left Door (Will also be shown in the Image, so not really necessary)
frontRightDoor Status of the Front Right Door (Will also be shown in the Image, so not really necessary)
rearLeftDoor Status of the Rear Left Door (Will also be shown in the Image, so not really necessary)
rearRightDoor Status of the Rear Right Door (Will also be shown in the Image, so not really necessary)
overallStatus If the Vehicle is locked (Will also be shown in the Image, so not really necessary)
frontLeftWindow Status of the Front Left Window (Will also be shown in the Image, so not really necessary)
frontRightWindow Status of the Front Right Window (Will also be shown in the Image, so not really necessary)
rearLeftWindow Status of the Rear Left Window (Will also be shown in the Image, so not really necessary)
rearLRightWindow Status of the Rear Right Window (Will also be shown in the Image, so not really necessary)
chargePower Current Charging Power in kWh
chargingState Current Charging State
remainingSoC Remaining SoC in %
remainingTime Remaining Charging Time in h:mm
remainingKm Remaining km
electricRange Range of the vehicle in electric mode (for PHEV vehicles)
gasolineRange Range of the vehicle in gasoline mode (for PHEV and non-electic vehicles)
targetSoC Target SoC in %
chargekmph Charging ... km/h
leftLight Status of left Light
rightLight Status of Right Light
odometer Odometer in km
climatisation Status of Climatisation (Will show the selected Temperature in °C if On)
latitude Latitude of the Car if parked
longitude Longitude of the Car if parked
position Position of the Car if parked

If you want, that some Values like the remaining charging time will only be displayed during charging you can add the header to the list of the fields_charging Parameter.

Google Api

You can get your Google API Key here

Unfortunately you need a Credit Card, even though you don't have to pay anything.

If you have logged in you can create an Project and call it whatever you like. In that Project you have to activate the Geocoding API and copy the API Key in the config file.

There is a Price for the API but you get 200$ every moth for free what are about 40.000 API requests, which are about 1 every Minute, which should be enough. You can read more about it here.

If you don't enter an API key the Location, if not defined in Positions will be shown as unkown.


Note: This also works without Google API Key.

You can define Positions where your car is parked often. You can Enter as many locations as you want. To get the Latitude and Longitude you can use any website like

Each Position has to have the following Parameter:

Paramter Description Type
Name Name of the description that should be shown Text
Latitude Latitude of the Postion Number
Longitude Longitude of the Position Number
Radius Radius around the Coordinates Number

An Example would be



This module uses tillsteinbach/WeConnect-python to connect to the API. Many thanks for that.

Tested with

  • Volkswagen ID.3 Modelyear 2023
  • Volkswagen Passat Variant GTE Modelyear 2017


Fluent Progress Bar ProgressBarFluent

Strict Progress Bar ProgressBarStrict

Normal View View

Unlocked Car Unlocked

Open Door and Trunk Doors

Open Door and Windows Window

Charging View ChargingView


Module for MagicMirror to show car data from VW We Connect ID






Contributors 4
