This project implements a data base which can contain the events that have happened on a given date.
The programm can interact with the user using standart streams stdin and stdout.
Available commands are:
Add Date Event adds the event on a given date
Del condition deletes the event on a given date that satisfy the condition
Last Date prints the last event that happend not later than the given date
Find condition finds and prints all the events that satisfy the condition
Print prints all the existing events
The example of a condition:
date >= 2017-01-01 AND date < 2017-07-01 AND event == "sport
Add 2017-11-21 Tuesday
Add 2017-11-20 Monday
Add 2017-11-21 Weekly meeting
Find event != "Weekly meeting"
Last 2017-11-30
Del date > 2017-11-20
Last 2017-11-30
Last 2017-11-01
2017-11-20 Monday
2017-11-21 Tuesday
2017-11-21 Weekly meeting
2017-11-20 Monday
2017-11-21 Tuesday
Found 2 entries
2017-11-21 Weekly meeting
Removed 2 entries
2017-11-20 Monday
No entries