To see how app works simply visit
To run this app locally use create .env file with REACT_APP_HOST= in it, and then use script:
Back-end repository is located here:
Start 01.02.2023 / done 28.02.2023
Team project. Our Team:
- sensaur - back-end
- NikolayBalabanov - front-end
- VEKozlov111 - front-end
- Back-end repository is located here: production server deployed here:
- Create as many boards as you wish
- Create columns with tasks inside the boards
- Drag and drop your task columns
- Add descriptions and titles to tasks
- Drag and drop your tasks both inside and into other columns as you wish
- Customize you profile
- TypeScript
- React
- React-router-dom
- React-beautiful-dnd
- React-loading-skeleton
- Redux, RTK Query
- Tailwind
- Cypress
- Sweetalert2 (user notification)
- Responsive layout
- Ligth/Dark mode
- Contains basic information about the app and its creators
- authorization form
- validation of authorization form fields
- registration form
- validation of registration form fields
- singout of the account and control over the authorization status has been implemented
- to change the name
- to change the email
- to change the avatar
- validation of form fields
- add a board
- remove a board
- change the title of the board
- the state of the content is always up-to-date
- loading animation
- board title
- loading animation
- tasks column: create/delete/edit
- tasks: create/delete/edit/done/undone
- dragging columns between each other(drag-and-drop)
- dragging tasks between each other inside a column
- dragging tasks between each other between columns
- the state of the content is always up-to-date
E2e tests using the Cypress framework. The tests cover the basic functionality of the application:
- user authorization
- singout
- availability of all application pages to the registered user
- create/delete/edit a task board
- creating/deleting/editing a column
- Connecting and working with the Postgres database
- ORM(Sequelize) is used
- Registration
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Password hashing is performed
- Implemented Node js and Express
- Implemented work with Amazon S3 images
- The server is deployed to a domain