This file uses for the detection part.
pip install azure-storage-blob azure-identity
pip install python-dotenv
pip install Flask
pip install python-socketio
pip install opencv-python
pip install flask-cors
create a .env file and insert, AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING = 'connection string'
create a folder intrusion_images
create a folder intrusion_videos
create a folder records
Connecting to front end of the desktop application and recieve and data with server and front end.
- detecting humans.
- recording the footages.
- saving the intrusion video with three screenshots.
- sending the intrusion videos and the ss to server.
- Connecting the backend to the front end.
- sending the readed frames from the camera to front end.
- adding the cameras to the system when requets comes from the front end.
- sending the intrusion images.
- sending all intrusion id s.
- opening and playing the intrusion videos.
- sending the record id s.
- opening the records and playing them using the requested id.
- adding the user to database. (in our system we are only having one user for the desktop application.)
- sending the user details.
- delete the user details.
- uploading the given files to azure server.
- In this we are sending intrusion videos and the screenshots to the server when detected.
- connected to web server which will help to communicate with the mobile app users.
- when intrusion detected notification will be send and the web connector will change the intrusion mode when mobile users changed it.
- connecting the mysql lite 3 database with the application and performing value create, insert, select, upadate, delete functions to the database.
- Mainly db having 4 tables. They are,
- Camera - camera_id, camera_name, is_ip_camera, camera_link
- Intrusion - intrusion_id, video_path, image1_path, image2_path, image3_path, date_time
- Record - record_id, video_path, date_time
- User_data - email, user_id, role, token, first_name, last_name
- Adding functions.
- add intrusion.
- add record video
- add user data.
- add camera.
- Getting functions.
- get token.
- get one intrusion data.
- get all intrusion data.
- get all intrusion id s.
- get intrusion image.
- get intrusion video.
- get record id s.
- get record video.
- get user details.
- get camera details.
- Update functions.
- update user token.
- Delete functions.
- delete user data.
- delete camera.