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Simple app built with React and Node.js

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Before installing and running the app, please create a .env file in the project's root directory and fill it with necessary information as shown below.

DEFAULT_URI=(database uri)
DB_USERNAME=(database username)
DB_PASSWORD=(database password)

If you wish to use a local database without login information, ommit (remove) the username and password.

Please remember to add the exact same express port to the proxy section in the /client/package.json file.


Install server dependencies

npm install

Install client dependencies

cd client
npm install

Running the app

Run server and client in the development mode

npm start

Run server in the development mode

npm run server

Run client in the development mode

npm run client

Running the tests

npm run test:client
npm run test:server


To prepare a build ready for production

npm run build:client

For more information about production ready build please read Create-react-app's