ServerSideCharacter(SSC) is a server management tool for tModLoader, it gives the player ability to play form beginning in mod world.
- TmodLoader v0.9.2.1 V0.2.X
- TmodLoader v0.9.1 V0.1.X
- /help Get all the commands in this mod
- /auth Authorize the player as super admin
- /butcher Kill all the enemy NPCs in the world
- /find Use to find the item or NPC ID in all the mods loaded [-i as item, -n as NPC]
- /god Toggle the godmode of yourself
- /group Manage the permission group of the player
- /i Give yourself items by ID
- /kill Kill a player using their ID
- /ls List useful information in this server, admin can use ls -al for more information
- /lock Lock a player for some time
- /login Login to the server account
- /region Manage the regions in the server
- /register Register an account
- /save Save player's data (just in case)
- /sm Summon NPCs using their ID
- /tp Teleport to a player
- /tphere Teleport a player to your position
- /time Tell and change the time of the world
- /reset Reset a player's password [Only works in console mode]
- /key Use this command to fetch weapons according to the keys player held