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Installation [English]

Masaru Morita edited this page Feb 15, 2016 · 4 revisions


We use ROS. So, It's necessary both Ubuntu (Linux) machine and ROS.
And be careful, we use indigo version.


  1. Install ROS on your Ubuntu machine. If you want to know more, go ROS Installation page.

  2. Create catkinized workspace.
    NOTE : Frome here <catkin_ws> means catkinized directory path that you like.

    mkdir -p <catkin_ws>/src
    cd <catkin_ws>/src
    cd <catkin_ws>
  3. Clone this Repository.

    cd <catkin_ws>/src
    git clone
  4. use wstool

    cd <catkin_ws>
    wstool init src src/forest_robot_project/dependencies.rosinstall
  5. use rosdep and get the packages we need

    rosdep install -i --from-paths src
  6. build and set the system environment path

    cd <catkin_ws>
    source devel/setup.bash

About additional packages

If you want to add external pkg, you should use wstool.

  1. add snippets in forest_robot_project/dependencies.rosinstall

  2. cd your_catkin_ws

  3. wstool merge -t src src/forest_robot_project/dependencies.rosinstall

  4. wstool update -t src

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