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Real-time memory allocator built for WebAssembly, written in Rust.

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A real-time memory allocator built for web assembly, written in Rust.

Table Of Contents


Alligator is a real-time memory allocator built for WebAssembly, written in Rust. Using Alligator is as simple as adding two lines of code to your project, see the Usage instructions for more.

Why do I need a different allocator?
The default Rust allocator is the wrong tool for the job when it comes to WebAssembly.

WebAssembly's memory model is very different from native platforms. The WebAssembly heap is a contiguous segment of memory which can only grow, with a maximum size of 4 GB().

The default Rust allocator was written for native platforms where the memory model's requirements are very different from WebAssembly's. Native allocators must deal with being able to allocate a seemingly infinite amount of memory, which is not contiguous, and which can be freed back to the operating system.

As a result the Rust allocator must make design trade-offs in order to accommodate these broad requirements. The Alligator WASM Allocator was designed from the start for WebAssembly's memory model. It does not need to contend with traditional native memory's requirements, allowing for optimizations.

See Design for more details on performance and internal workings.



Currently a crate has not been published as the project is in development. However the main branch of the Git repository is always stable, and releases are tagged.

When a crate has been published the AlligatorAlloc struct, which implements the GlobalAlloc trait, can be used via the #[global_allocator] annotation:

// Tell Rust we want to use Alligator as the heap allocator.
static ALLOC: AlligatorAlloc = AlligatorAlloc::INIT;

fn main() {
	// ... The rest of your program, unchanged


Rust with the wasm32-wasi target (and i686-unknown-linux-gnu for development purposes), wasmtime, LLDB, and GNU Make must be installed.


A Makefile is provided which performs all development tasks in this repository. Make targets are named in the format <object>-<action>-<target>, although some do not specify a <target>.

Normal users of Alligator should use the alligator Cargo crate.

The Makefile provides the following objects:

  • liballigatorc - Dynamic C library with Alligator allocator
    • Actions:
      • build - Build the dynamic C library and headers, AFL and Hangover fuzzer
      • fuzz - build then run AFL and Hangover fuzzers on dynamic C library
    • Only builds for the host 32-bit LibC platform, set via TARGET_LIBC32, defaults to i686-unknown-linux-gnu
    • Ex: make liballigatorc-fuzz
  • bench - Example programs which use Alligator
    • The exact benchmark program must be specified using the BENCH variable (defaults to use-global), see Running Benchmarks for details.
    • Actions:
      • build - Build target binary
      • run - build then run target binary
      • debug - build then use lldb to debug the binary
    • Targets:
      • host - 32-bit LibC platform, set via TARGET_LIBC32, defaults to i686-unknown-linux-gnu
      • wasm - WASI32 WASM
    • Ex: make bench-run-host or bench-debug-wasm
  • c-test - Very basic C test program for liballigatorc
    • c-test-build - Build c-test Binary from c-test.c

Cargo is used to build the C dynamic library in liballigatorc and the binaries in bench. A host C++ toolchain is used to build AFL and Hangover fuzzer in liballigatorc and the test program in c-test.

To provide arguments to Cargo when it is building or running, modify the CARGO_BARGS (build arguments) and RARGS (run arguments) environment variables. Use += when setting them to preserve behavior.

Compile Targets

Alligator is meant as a heap allocator for WebAssembly only. However other targets can run Alligator for debugging purposes.

If type heap::HeapType is not found in src/alloc/ then the current build platform is not supported.

Debugging Targets

Targets which implement libc with 32 bit pointer length can be used for development purposes. By default the Rust i686-unknown-linux-gnu target is used for this purpose.

How: A shim uses malloc to simulate WASM memory. Allowing Alligator to run on non WASM targets.

Why: This makes debugging and fuzzing possible. However, never should anyone use Alligator as their global allocator when targeting a C stdlib system. See Debugging for more.

Running Benchmarks

A few programs are provided which utilizes Alligator:

  • use-global (Default): Performs a few heap allocations using Alligator as the programs Global Allocator
  • alloc-all: Performs more than one MiniPage's worth of allocations for each size class
  • random-report: Performs random allocations and outputs results as CSV rows (Requires you provide CARGO_BARGS+=--features=metrics to Make)

Specify which benchmark to run via the BENCH environment variable in Make (ex., in the command line specify BENCH=<benchmark name> like so make bench-run-wasm BENCH=alloc-all).

This program can be built as a WebAssembly program or as a host binary. The host binary is only used for debugging purposes, see Debugging.

To run a benchmark program with Wasmtime:

make bench-run-wasm BENCH=use-global

This will automatically build a benchmark if it is not up to date, to build it manually run:

make bench-build-wasm BENCH=use-global

The resulting WebAssembly is output as an alligator.wasm file.

Compile Time Features

Compile time features can be provided to Cargo when building Alligator. This can enable features at compile time (no runtime cost).

Available features:

  • metrics - Record statistics about allocation process. Results recorded to the AllocMetrics struct, which can be retrieved via the AlligatorAlloc::metrics() method. Additionally some debug information about why an allocation may have failed is available via the AlligatorAlloc::alloc_failure_cause() method and the AllocFail enum.

Compile Alligator with features by specifying the --features=<feature> Cargo build option. If you are using Make specify via the Cargo build args variable CARGO_BARGS:

make your-make-target CARGO_BARGS+=--features=metrics


Due to the lack of debugging support for WebAssembly debugging is easier to do in a native binary format like that of 32-bit libc systems (See Debugging Targets).

To debug with lldb:

make bench-debug-host BENCH=use-global

Inside of lldb one can then debug the alloc function, for instance, by running the command:

((lldb) breakpoint set --method alloc
# aka
((lldb) br s -M alloc

Or on line 679 of the src/alloc/ file:

((lldb) br set -f src/alloc/ -l 679

If you need to build the host binary run:

make bench-build-host BENCH=use-global

And if you need to run the host binary:

make bench-run-host BENCH=use-global

If debugging in WebAssembly is absolutely required lldb can be used with wasmtime:

make bench-debug-wasm BENCH=use-global


Fuzzing is currently not working and needs to be fixed
Initially fuzzing was completed on a 64-bit platform using a 64-bit binary. Now the binary is 32-bits, however development still takes place on a 64-bit platform. AFL++ and Hangover need to be compiled to 32-bits. This will be completed eventually.

The HangOver memory allocator fuzzer, which utilizes AFL++, is used to fuzz the Alligator memory allocator.

The source code for both of these dependencies is provided as git submodules, to retrieve them run:

git submodule update --init

Then run:

make liballigatorc-fuzz

This will automatically build AFL and HangOver, build Alligator as a dynamic library, and run the fuzzing setup.

Results will be stored in hangover-fuzzer/afl_out/default. This fuzz Make target also sets one's CPU clock frequency scaling to performance mode using the cpufreqctl script. It should set it back to what it was before automatically.

If you want to build AFL manually run:

make afl-build

If you want to build HangOver manually run:

make hangover-fuzzer-build

If you want to build the dynamic library manually run:

make liballigatorc-build

The test-c.c file is a basic C program which simply calls alloc and dealloc from the dynamic library. This is meant to ensure the dynamic library is functioning minimally correctly. Build this file by running:

make c-test-build

Then run ./c-test.


Alligator attempts to perform allocations and de-allocations of memory in constant time, with the goal of being well suited for real time WASM applications.

Time Complexity

Allocations and de-allocations for under 2 KB of memory are constant time. This is done using MiniPages. Allocations and de-allocations above this size use Big Allocation and are linear time.

The maximum size for constant time memory operations is constrained by the maximum size of a MiniPage. This size was chosen to try and pick a size which encompasses most allocations. The allocator is written so that this size can be changed via constant variables.

Memory Limit

This allocator is designed to allocate no more than 4 GB of memory. This is due to limits set by the WASM specification:

The maximum number of pages of a memory is 65536.

WASM Specification JS implementation limits section.

Alligator has constants which set the maximum size:


TODO: MAX_HOST_PAGES is currently incorrectly set to 200.

Size Classes

Alligator is a size class allocator. Allocated objects are put into size class buckets. Size classes buckets are in power of two increments of bytes.

The smallest size class is 3 aka 2^3 = 8 bytes. Smaller allocations will use this minimum size class. The largest size class is 11 aka 2^11 = 2048 bytes. Larger allocations will use Big Allocation.


For allocations smaller than the maximum size class of 11 (2^11 = 2048 bytes) the MiniPage allocation technique is used.

Alligator implements a less complex version of MiniHeaps and free Vectors from the MESH allocator whitepaper. To avoid confusion between the two (as Alligator does not implement much functionality from the MESH paper's MiniHeaps) these will be called MiniPages in alligator.

MiniPages are 2 kilobyte sections of memory, from which same size class allocations are made.

Since all objects in a MiniPage heap section will be the same size, we can refer to them by their index. These uniformly sized pieces of the MiniPage memory section will be called Segments.

Each MiniPage stores a small header within the heap right before the 2kB memory section. This header contains:

  • Size class (1B)
  • Bit-packed Segment free list (256B)

In order to find free MiniPages and segments in constant time a set of stacks is used for each size class. Popping from one of these stacks returns the next free MiniPage pointer or segment index. When MiniPages or segments are freed the allocator pushes onto these stacks. There is a stack for MiniPages and segments for each size class, which can hold 2^n items (n = size class).


The first bit of the heap is used to store metadata about the allocator state. This area is called the MetaPage. It will be lazily allocated.

It holds the free MiniPage and segment stacks mentioned in the MiniPages section. As well as any metrics if the metrics feature is enabled.

Big Allocation

For allocations larger than the maximum size class of 11 (2^11 = 2048 bytes) the big allocation technique is used.

Big allocation's free list is a linked list of BigAllocHeaders embedded in the heap. Segments of memory are allocated in ~2 kilobyte intervals (precise interval is the size of a MiniPageHeader plus 2 kilobytes). This is crucial for compatibility with MiniPage logic.

Once a big allocation segment has been de-allocated the underlying heap memory does not get returned to the host. Instead the big allocation segment is marked as free, and can be re-used in future big allocations.

Big allocations and de-allocations are O(n) via a linear search on the free linked list (n = number of big allocation items in the free linked list). Allocations will always try to use an existing free big allocation node using a first fit policy.

MiniPages are not used for these allocations because MiniPage logic cannot accommodate allocations larger than 2 kilobytes. Additionally MiniPage logic relies on constant MiniPage size, allowing pointer math to used find MiniPage headers in the heap without any searching. If MiniPages of different sizes were created for big allocations logic used for normal MiniPage allocations would break. Big allocations are provisioned in intervals of ~2 kilobytes for the same reason.

Life Cycle of an Allocation

This presentation provides a rough outline of the design components working together. It is not currently up to date.

Alligator Life Cycle Presentation


Real-time memory allocator built for WebAssembly, written in Rust.






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