A reddit bot that is triggered by reddit comments made in /r/Reformed that references various christian confessions and catechisms. It posts the contents of the requested selection(s) as a reply to the comment that contained the request.
Note that the username for the bot on reddit is now Confessions_bot
Document | Type |
The Westminster Confession of Faith | Usage |
The Canons of Dort (Articles) | Usage |
The Canons of Dort (Rejections) | Usage |
The Augsburg Confession | Usage |
The London Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) | Usage |
The Westminster Larger Catechism | Usage |
The Westminster Shorter Catechism | Usage |
The Heidelberg Catechism | Usage |
The Belgic Confession of Faith | Usage |
The 39 Articles of Religion | Usage |
The 95 Theses | Usage |
The London Baptist Confession of Faith (1646) | Usage |
The Scottish Confession of Faith | Usage |
Spurgeon's Puritan Catechism | Usage |
The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy | Usage |
The Catechism of the Catholic Church | Usage |
The Second Helvetic Confession | Usage |
Articles of Religion (Methodist) | Usage |
Zwingli's 67 Articles | Usage |
Keach's Catechism | Usage |
Savoy Declaration of Faith | Usage |
Helvetic Consensus Formula | Usage |
- Apostles Creed
- Nicene Creed
- Tridentine Creed
To view the list of changes please refer to the CHANGELOG
Matthieu Grieger for versebot, from which catebot was initially derived. And /u/konohitowa for catebot, off of which a significant portion of standardsbot is based.