A learning AI that can talk to you and answer your questions.
(was: Chappie / Soupe, now: Bender)
You can ask him questions and he will respond with predefined answers.
MyAI is a custom AI written in Java. It uses a SQLite database to get and store answers and questions. MyAI will be just a little bit similar to Siri or Cortana; MyAI will be your friend - like a tamagotchi, just better! The goal is that MyAI will be able to learn from the user's input. We are currently researching the alogithms to get the best out of the system.
Update: Yes you can! I added a test build in the release tab of this repo. You will be able to get some answers from him.
Please note that there is not a human brain or consciousness in this AI implemented. Our current time knowledge doesn't allow us to use this method in this AI.
Currently, you can support us by giving us suggestions or pull requests. Once we implemented the learning system into the AI, you will be able to train the AI and give him sentences. /DONE now.
-help: Displays the help
-learn: Toggles the question learn mode on / off
-learn_state: Toggles the statement learn mode on / off
-exit [-CTRL^C | -quit]: Terminates the application
-abort: Aborts the curent sentence in the learnmode
-set_name Set the AI's name
-set_timeout Set the timeout to quit the application