The Repository changes the BackBone ELAN_Darknet
of YOLOv7 by adding self-attention method
on the last BackBone layer.
I refered the codes of ViT (Vision Transformer)
and remove the MLP layer.
Original code from rwightman and WZMIAOMIAO, below links are their Repositories.
Google Colab sometimes cannot run successfully with this Repository(changed from Bubliiiing's Codes).
Change pytorch version in 1.7.1 will help, i fix it in 2022.09. Good Luck!
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function ConnectButton(){
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Freeze_batch_size can be set to 16, but Unfreeze_batch_size should be set less than 8.
Considering the limited GPU RAM, GPU cannot run successfully if not so.
While adding MHSA_Block into YOLOv7_L, i found that a lot of layers had been created.
But the pre_weights file yolov7_weights.pth
cannot be load on these newborned layers.
I had verified my idea that the freeze layers should be set to zero which would help the result to be better.
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