All codes for the PP2 course spring semester 2021
- Python Intro
- Python User Input
- Python Get Started
- Python Syntax
- Python Comments
- Python Variables
- Python Data Types
- Python Numbers
- Python Casting
- Python Strings
- Python String Formatting
- Python Booleans
- Python Operators
- Python If...Else
- Python While Loops
- Python For Loops
- Python Arrays
- Git
- Python Lists
- Python Tuples
- Python Sets
- Python Dictionaries
- Python Functions
- Python Lambda
- Python Classes and Objects.
- Python Inheritance
- Python Iterators, Generators
- Python Scope
- Python Modules
- Python Dates
- Python Math
- Python JSON
- JSON serialization.
- Serialization of class,
- Dictionary to JSON.
- Using Regex to search and match string patterns in text.
- Python File Handling
- Python Read Files
- Python Write/Create Files
- Python Delete Files
- Working with directories
- Builtin function of python.
- Intro, drawing
- Event handling
- Advanced topics
- Saving data to database.
- Reading from database.
- Updating and deleting data in the database