A collection of libraries for easy software and game development.
- Window management
- Keyboard, Mouse and Gamepad input
- Shader management
- Layer system
- Content and Package system
- Doer/Module system
- Game World system
- Simple collision detection
- Audio playback (SoLoud)
- Native dear ImGui support
- Custom file format
- 3D Mesh/Material system
- Custom String type
- Output Console
- Multi window rendering
- ...
Everything is split into their own respective libraries, allowing you to simply use the features you need. They all seamlessly tie in with one another.
Supported rendering backends:
- Direct3D 11
- Direct3D 12
- Vulkan
Supported platform:
- Windows-x64 (7+)
Supported environment:
- VS2022 and above
Uses C17 and C++17
Run 'BUILD.BAT' and then open the project solution and hit 'build solution'. Try running one of the examples to see if everything is working correctly.
Have a look at the examples as well as the documentation for refrence.
Everyone is welcome to contribute to NGE2 by submitting bug reports, porting and testing on different platforms and writing examples.