North Toronto Christian School is a non-semestered private Christian school located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The school is a co-educational Christian elementary and high school, not affiliated with any specific church or denomination. (Wikipedia)
The current teacher of grade 11 and 12 computer science at NTCS, as well as the vice principal, is Mr. David Vant Erve. For inquiries about this GitHub page, please contact him at: dvanterve (at)
This GitHub page contains some demonstration code and assignments from the computer science classes, as well as other code for finding solutions on math problems.
So far, some notable works include:
- Various simple demonstration board games made in Java, including a few tic-tac-toe-like board games made by Olivia Sit, Gelila Samuel and Felix An of the 2021 graduating class
- Some solutions for CEMC Problem of the Week and CCC
- AtteNTCS, the school's pilot attendance card scan system by Felix An
This description was written by Felix An, who graduated in June 2021.