A plugin with a lot of useful features to make plugins with less code and better compatibility between versions
Downloads can be found here https://jenkins.novauniverse.net/job/NovaCore/
If you run 1.17 or later you also need the 1.17 support plugin that can either be compiled from here or downloaded from here
📔 Documentation CLICK FOR MENU
There are a few command line args you can add to directly affect NovaCores behaviour. These arguments only work on the spigot version of NovaCore
Argument | Description | Values |
-DnovaCoreLogLevel | Sets the console log level | NONE, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, SUCCESS, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE |
-DnovacoreClearLibraryFolder | Clears the lib folder every time NovaCore starts | true, false |
The following code shows how to load the game lobby module, load maps and setting up a random selector
// Enable the module
// Paths for the config and worlds to use
File dataFileDirectory = new File(getDataFolder().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "GameLobbyData");
File worldFileDirectory = new File(getDataFolder().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "GameLobbyWorlds");
// Create the folders
// Load map files
GameLobby.getInstance().getMapReader().loadAll(dataFileDirectory, worldFileDirectory);
/* Use random selector for lobby maps. This allows us to have multiple maps that gets randomly selected */
GameLobby.getInstance().setMapSelector(new RandomLobbyMapSelector());
- Put the world file inside SERVER_FOLDER/plugins/YOUR_PLUGIN/GameLobbyWorlds/, Final path should look like this SERVER_FOLDER/plugins/YOUR_PLUGIN/GameLobbyWorlds/MainGameLobbyWorld
- Create a json file at SERVER_FOLDER/plugins/YOUR_PLUGIN/GameLobbyData/MainGameLobby.json
- Inside the json file put the following content
"map_name": "main_lobby",
"display_name": "Main game lobby",
"world_file": "MainGameLobbyWorld",
"description": "This is the main waiting lobby",
"spawn_location": {
"x": 0.5,
"y": 40,
"z": 0.5,
"yaw": 90,
"pitch": 0
Replace the spawn location with the location you want players to spawn at
By default the server loads maps from the plugin data folder of the game you are setting up, in this example im going to use survival games. inside plugins/NovaSurvivalGames create the following folders
- LootTables
- Maps
- Worlds
LootTables contains your loot table json files, Maps contains the map json files and Worlds contains the words used for the game.
You can override the directory to load maps from outside of the plugin data by creating plugins/NovaSurvivalGames/map_overrides.json and putting the following in there
"relative": true,
"maps_folder": "../../../../map_data/survivalgames/Maps",
"worlds_folder": "../../../../map_data/survivalgames/Worlds",
"loot_tables_folder": "../../../../map_data/survivalgames/LootTables"
On our tournament we have our maps in /root/map_data and our servers in /root/servers/survivalgames so ../../../../map_data is the correct value here, i know its a bit complicated but basically we go from NovaSurvivalGames -> plugins -> survivalgames -> servers -> root -> map_data by doing this.
To create loot tables see MapData.md and LootTables.md
All of our map games uses the gui map selector by default. If you want random maps you can use te following code after the minigame plugin has been loaded.
// Unregister listeners for existing selector
MapSelector oldSelector = GameManager.getInstance().getMapSelector();
if(oldSelector != null) {
if(oldSelector instanceof Listener) {
HandlerList.unregisterAll((Listener) oldSelector);
// Load new map selector
GameManager.getInstance().setMapSelector(new RandomMapSelector());
There are 2 ways to start the game. Number one is to use the /game start command that starts the game after a 60 second countdown. Below is some code that can be useful when implementing the countdown in your plugins
// Check if the countdown is running
// Get the time left in seconds
// Cancel the countodwn
If you dont want to wait for the countdown you can either use the /game forcestart command or call the following function
// Instantly start tge game
/* Optionally if you are using the built in countdown you might also want to check if the countdown is running and if so stop it with the following code */
if (GameManager.getInstance().hasCountdown()) {
if(GameManager.getInstance().getCountdown().hasCountdownStarted()) {
stopping the countdown is not required but will prevent any potentiol weird effects if the countdown is running while the game is force strted with the GameLobby.getInstance().startGame(); function. If the startGame function is called twice nothing will happen on the second time except that oped players might get a log message in chat saying that there was an attempt so start the game twice. but its best to avoid calling it twice anyways.
If you need to end the game early due to some issue use the /game stop command. This instantly ends the game and sets everyone to spectator (unless the game is configured to do something else on end)
The loot table json structure looks like this
"name": "hg_common_chests",
"min_items": 5,
"max_items": 9,
"loader": "novacore.loot_table_loader_v1",
"items": [
name is the name used in other plugins / config files to recerence this loot table, every loot table has to have a uniqe name.
min_items is the minimal amount of random items to pick and max_items is the maximum amount. Note that this means diffrent item stack and not the total sum of items.
by putting both min and max to 5 it would make it so that this loot table always generarates 5 items stacks of random sizes depending on the items configured in the loot table.
Items contains the json objecs of the items to generate. Below are some examples
Below is an example of a simple item
"chance": 5,
"material": "BOW",
"min_amount": 1
The way you configure rarity is by the number in the chance property. The way this works is that it adds the entry the a list N amount of times where N is the chance. When an item is picked we select a random entry in the list and create an item stack from it. This means that lower numbers will cause the item to be more rare while higher numbers causes the item to be much more common
The possible materials can be found at https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html (You might want to look up correct version for your server)
You can randomise the amount of items to generate in the stack by using the following
"min_amount": 1,
"max_amount": 4
This will mate it so that the amount of items in the stack will be between 1 and 4.
You can set the name with the following
"display_name": "§6§lKnockback stick"
Add enchantments with the following
"enchantments" : {
Valid enchantment names can be found here https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/enchantments/Enchantment.html (You might want to look up correct version for your server)
Enchantments are added with ignoreLevelRestriction set to true so go crazy with the levels if you want.
To add enchants to an enchanted book use
"stored_enchantments" : {
Valid enchantment names can be found here https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/enchantments/Enchantment.html (You might want to look up correct version for your server)
Enchantments are added with ignoreLevelRestriction set to true so go crazy with the levels if you want.
Some of our games (Survival games and skywars being 2 examples) has a system where if you have a comapss in your inventory it will point to the closest enemy. To add a tracker compass to the loot table use the following
"chance": 1,
"material": "COMPASS",
"min_amount": 1,
"display_name": "§6§lTracker compass"
Below is a sample of a map
"enabled": true,
"map_name": "sample_map",
"display_name": "Sample map",
"world_file": "sample_map",
"description": "§6This is a sample map",
"loader": "nova",
"map_modules": {
"spectator_location": {
"x": 0,
"y": 67,
"z": 0
"starter_locations": [
map_name: this is the internal name used by the server
display_name: this is the name shown to players
world_file: this is the name of the file in the worlds directory
description: a description shown in the gui map voting
loader can be used to change the map loader used. This is only used if you have a custom map loader. To use the built in one set this to nova.
the spectator_location is the x, y and z coordinates that spectators will spawn at
The easy way to generate the locations is to dowload both NovaCore and MapDesignToolkit from here https://jenkins.novauniverse.net/job/NovaCore/lastBuild/ and running it on a local server with the world you are working on the typing the command /cl -c -v (-c = center block location -v = verbose) this copies the json object for the location to your clipboard so that you can paste it in the starter_locations array.
You could also make it manually like this but that takes a lot more time
"x": 10.5,
"y": 9,
"z": -27.5,
"yaw": 20,
"pitch": 5
The data folders can be found in /plugins/GAME/ (for sg this would be /plugins/NovaSurvivalGames)
Loot table json files goes in LootTables
World files foes in Worlds
Map data json files goes in Maps
Here is a list of map modules you can configure. To add a map module place the code from the samples below in the map_modules json object
"novacore.mapprotection": {
"mode": "WHITELIST",
"bypassed_gamemodes": [ "CREATIVE" ],
"break_whitelist": ["WOOD", "WOOL", "LEAVES", "LEAVES_2", "LOG", "WATER", "WHEAT", "CROPS","HAY_BLOCK", "WORKBENCH"],
"place_whitelist": ["WOOD", "WOOL", "LEAVES", "LEAVES_2", "LOG", "FIRE", "WATER", "CROPS","WHEAT", "HAY_BLOCK", "WORKBENCH"]
Materials can be added to the break and place whitelist to allow players to place / break some blocks
The following can be used to add loot to chests and enderchests. To disable enderchest loot just remove ender_chest_loot from the json object
"novacore.chestloot" : {
"chest_loot": "YOUR_LOOT_TABLE_HERE",
"min_refill_time": 240,
"max_refill_time": 1000,
"announce_refills": true
time is in seconds, warnings will be announced in chat when time reaches the configured values
"novacore.graceperiod" : {
"time": 60,
"warnings": [30, 10]
center_x and center_y is the center
start_size is the initial size
end_size is the final size
shrink_duration and start_delay is in ticks
"novacore.worldborder": {
"center_x": 0.5,
"center_z": 0.5,
"start_size": 501,
"end_size": 155,
"shrink_duration": 300,
"start_delay": 300,
"damage": 5,
"damage_buffer": 2,
"step_time": 30
To allow players to right click in the air with a crafting table to open the crafting gui use
"novacore.handcraftingtable": {}
Set the initial time with
"novacore.settime": {
"time": 1000
To randomly spawn red supply drops use the following
"novauniverse.survivalgames.medicalsupplydrop" : {
"loot_table": "YOUR_LOOT_TABLE_HERE",
"min_drop_time": 240,
"max_drop_time": 1200,
"locations": [
"x": 21,
"y": 8,
"z": -57
To spawn white loot drops use
"novacore.lootdrop" : {
"loot_table": "YOUR_LOOT_TABLE_HERE",
"min_drop_time": 240,
"max_drop_time": 1200,
"locations": [
"x": -44,
"y": 9,
"z": -61
"novacore.noweather": {}
"novacore.instantvoidkill": {
"y": 0
"novacore.farmlandprotection": {}
You can find samples from out tournament here https://cloud.novauniverse.net/s/YCnXg98yzdwWiZX
To send players back when the game is over listen to the GameEndEvent and send players back to the main server, note that this event fires instantly after the game ends so you might want to have a BukkitRunnable to delay the sending by 10 - 20 seconds so the players can see who won.
To send players you can either use a plugin message to the bungeecord server or use our util BungeecordUtils like in the example below
BungeecordUtils.sendToServer(player, "lobby");