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The AdHash Smart Contracts


The AdHash Protocol Smart Contracts and examples to use in JavaScript.

File structure

  • contracts contains all smart contracts
  • samples contains generic JS sample files
  • package.json contains installation scripts and scripts to run the test network.


  • ERC20 token based on OpenZeppelin implementation.
  • Initial supply 100M AD tokens.


  • Interface for members contract.
  • Role constants.
  • Member structure.
  • Mapping for members (address => Member).


  • Proxy contract that forwards all calls to the actual Members contract.
  • CONTRACT_ADDRESS address of the actual Members contract.
  • Option for the owner to set CONTRACT_ADDRESS.
  • Assembly function that forwards any call to the contract in CONTRACT_ADDRESS. The reason is customers will call MembersRegistry and it will forward it to CONTRACT_ADDRESS. If we find a bug in CONTRACT_ADDRESS we can replace it with new one and users will still call MembersRegistry.

MembersV1.sol First version of the Members contract. MembersRegistry will point here. Inherits MembersStorage.

  • Option to set ALLOW_BIDDERS (only owner).
  • Option to register as a new member via registerMember.
  • Option for BIDDER roles to register other members via registerMemberOnBehalf.
  • Getter methods for Members and Member role only.
  • Option to change your own information via changeInformation.
  • Option for BIDDER roles to set information for members on behalf via changeInformationOnBehalf.
  • Option to set your own voting flag.
  • Option for BIDDER roles to block/unblock members.
  • Option to transfer funds or ERC20 tokens back to the owner (for unintentional deposits).


  • Role constants.
  • Address of the MembersRegistry contract (CONTRACT_MEMBERS).
  • Address of the ERC20 contract (CONTRACT_TOKEN).
  • Address of the voter pool where all confiscated deposits will be sent (VOTER_POOL).
  • Mapping creativeOwner (address => address) for creative owners. First address is a wallet address, second is a SHA1 hash from our system.
  • Mapping creatives (address => address[]) for a list of all creatives for a certain wallet ID.
  • Mapping threshold (address => uint) for voting thresholds. Address is a SHA1 hash from our system, uint is a number starting from INITIAL_THRESHOLD.
  • Mapping blocked (address => bool) for blocked members.


  • Proxy contract that forwards all calls to the actual Creatives contract.
  • CONTRACT_ADDRESS address of the actual Creatives contract.
  • Option for the owner to set CONTRACT_ADDRESS.
  • Assembly function that forwards any call to the contract in CONTRACT_ADDRESS. Same idea as MembersRegistry.


  • Option for owners to set CONTRACT_MEMBERS to point to MembersRegistry.
  • Option for owners to set CONTRACT_TOKEN to point to Token.
  • Option for owners to set VOTER_POOL.
  • Option for owners to set INITIAL_THRESHOLD, THRESHOLD_STEP, BLOCK_DEPOSIT and MAJORITY for voting puroses.
  • Option to announce creative(s) via announceCreative or announceCreatives.
  • Option for BIDDER roles to announce creative(s) on behalf via announceCreativeOnBehalf or announceCreativesOnBehalf.
  • Option to get creatives for wallet ID via getCreatives.
  • Option to get creative blocked status via getBlockedStatus.
  • Option to get a creative's first owner.
  • Option to start a voting via startBlockCreative. Parameters are:
    • wallet ID of the creative owner
    • creative SHA1 hash from our system
    • reason - free text explaining the reason for the vote Takes BLOCK_DEPOSIT amount of Tokens from your account. Requires the caller to have called Token.approve(CreativesRegistry, Amount) first
  • Option for owner to call endBlockCreative. Parameters are:
    • wallet ID of the voting initiator
    • wallet ID of the creative owner
    • creative SHA1 hash from our system
    • amount of votes FOR
    • amount of votes AGAINST Based on the voting if votes FOR are 66.6% (MAJORITY) or more - the creative is marked as blocked. If the voting ended as FOR - the amount is returned to initiator. Else the amount is sent to the voting pool. This contract shuold own the ERC20 tokens only for the currently active votes.
  • Option to transfer funds or ERC20 tokens back to the owner (for unintentional deposits).


  • Role constants.
  • Address of the MembersRegistry contract (CONTRACT_MEMBERS).
  • Address of the ERC20 contract (CONTRACT_TOKEN).
  • Mapping (address => address => uint256) for storing deposits. The deposits' first address is the bidder address. Second address is the owner address. uint256 is the amount. You can have multiple deposits (for multiple bidders).


  • Proxy contract that forwards all calls to the actual Utilities contract.
  • CONTRACT_ADDRESS address of the actual Utilities contract.
  • Option for the owner to set CONTRACT_ADDRESS.
  • Assembly function that forwards any call to the contract in CONTRACT_ADDRESS. Same idea as MembersRegistry.


  • Option for owners to set CONTRACT_MEMBERS to point to MembersRegistry.
  • Option for owners to set CONTRACT_TOKEN to point to Token.
  • Option to make a deposit for a certain bidder via makeDeposit.
  • Option for bidders only to withdraw deposit assigned to them sending them back to the advertiser.
  • Option for bidders only to fine advertisers, taking some of their deposit.
  • Option to get the deposit for a certain advertiser and bidder via getDeposit.
  • Option to register a payment from a bidder to a publisher.
  • Option to register a payment from an advertiser to a bidder.
  • Option to transfer funds or ERC20 tokens back to the owner (for unintentional deposits). For deposits and payments it is reqired the caller to have called Token.approve(UtilitiesRegistry, Amount) first.


This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.


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