Advanced RBAC superstructure on yii2 RBAC, Dektrium extension
Main functions:
- Action access by roles and permissions
- UI element access by roles and permissions
- Model field access by scenarios,roles and permissions
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist nullref/yii2-rbac "*"
or add
"nullref/yii2-rbac": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
Basic set up:
At first you need to configure authManager
component to use database. You need to use \nullref\rbac\components\DBManager
In modules configuration on 'rbac' section you
need to specify id (ex: user, admin, etc) of userComponent
with identity field and getId() method in it -
need to specify userProvider class which implements interface
with getUsers() method which has to return array of users with required fields ['id', 'username']
- may to override ruleManager class which implements interface
with getList() method, there is RuleManager in module
Your modules configuration:
In Module.php
add array with aliases for module controllers
public $controllerAliases = [
Each controller you want to be under RBAC has to be extended from:
or behavior() method has contain next item:
'access' => [
'class' => \nullref\rbac\filters\AccessControl::class,
'controller' => $this,
Usage of UI element access:
To use this functionality you have to:
- use widget in base layout
<?= ElementConfig::widget([]) ?>
- specify $elementEditorRole in RBAC module by default 'elementEditor'
- assign this role to your user
- use html helper to build you 'a' and 'button'(for now) tags.
and provide data-identifier option with unique value to $options array
<?= ElementHtml::a('a', ['somewhere', ['data-identificator' => 'a-0.11723100 1545142675']) ?>
You can use gii generator to generate unique values for your element (single line code only for now). Before use you have to specify aliases for views folders
public $viewPathAliases = [
use nullref\rbac\helpers\element\ElementHtml;
use nullref\rbac\helpers\element\ElementHtml as A;
<?= ElementHtml::a('a') ?>
<?= ElementHtml::a('a', Url::to(['a']), []) ?>
<?= A::a('a', ['a']) ?>
<?= ElementHtml::a('a', Url::to(['a'])) ?>
<?= ElementHtml::a('a', Url::to(['a', 'c' => 1]), ['a' => 'a']) ?>
<?= A::a('a', Url::to(['a']), ['a' => 'a']) ?>
use nullref\rbac\helpers\element\ElementHtml;
use nullref\rbac\helpers\element\ElementHtml as A;
<?= ElementHtml::a('a', null, ['data-identificator' => 'a-0.11723100 1545142675']) ?>
<?= ElementHtml::a('a', Url::to(['a']), ['data-identificator' => 'a-0.11726200 1545142675']) ?>
<?= A::a('a', ['a'], ['data-identificator' => 'a-0.11728500 1545142675']) ?>
<?= ElementHtml::a('a', Url::to(['a']), ['data-identificator' => 'a-0.11730500 1545142675']) ?>
<?= ElementHtml::a('a', Url::to(['a', 'c' => 1]), ['a' => 'a', 'data-identificator' => 'a-0.11732500 1545142675']) ?>
<?= A::a('a', Url::to(['a']), ['a' => 'a', 'data-identificator' => 'a-0.11734500 1545142675']) ?>
Usage of Model field access:
To use this functionality you have to:
- add array with aliases for models in
public $modelAliases = [
- add behavior in your Model and validate your model before save
public function behaviors()
return [
'checkFields' => [
'class' => FieldCheckerBehavior::class,
- use nullref\rbac\widgets\ActiveField field in your ActiveForm
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin([
'fieldClass' => nullref\rbac\widgets\ActiveField::class,
]); ?>