Osint Omegle Ip and geolocation tool
This small javascript application monitors omegle connections and
returns their information in the console. This showcases how
insecure and bad the webrtc protocol is implemented into their
service. Since the website doesnt allow most VPNs and proxies
this is particularly bad. PLEASE FIX THIS OMEGLE
This tool is for educational purposes only!
There is no real installation in fact you just paste the Trazr.js
code into your browsers javascript console while being on the omegle
page. Also dont paste code you dont understand into your console
Step 0:
Navigate to Omegle lol
Step 1:
Press CTRL + SHIFT + I
Now a window should pick up. These are the browsers dev tools
Step 2:
Navigate to the Console Tab inside the Dev Tools
Step 3:
Copy Paste the file content of Trazr.js into the console
Congratulations that's all however you will need to do that every
time you want to use this app since the changes are not persistent
(Every time you close dev tools)
Keep dev tools open -> use omegle video chat -> see magic happen 🧙♂️
You can also close the console after inserting the code Trazr will
log the information to the omegle chat as well however keep in mind
that this will not show the history
Dont use Omegle since its insecure 🔑... spread the word