Note Web Services on the free instance type are automatically spun down after 15 minutes of inactivity. When a new request for a free service comes in, Render spins it up again so it can process the request.
This can cause a response delay of up to 30 seconds for the first request that comes in after a period of inactivity.
- React.js
- Declarative Library for developing UI's
- Redux Toolkit
- State management system
- Render
- Free hosting service for many types of applications
- Express
- Framework for building REST API's with Node.js
- MongoDB
- NoSQL Document Database
- Material-UI
- React Component Library
- Mongoose
- ODM for MongoDB
- Webpack
- Module builder and code splitting
- Cloudinary SDK
- Free image hosting solution
First, clone the repo from the command line:
git clone
Now that you haved checked out the repo locally, start in creating an .env file by running touch .env
in the backend ./dir.
After this, open the .env file you just created in a text editor and format it like so:
Replace 'XXXXX' with the actual values or else the api won't function properly!
Cloudinary SDK authentication details here.
If you're cloning/forking ProgressAD to make a change, you will need environment variables as well.
In root of the frontend directory, create another .env
file and format it like so:
REACT_APP_TRCKME_BACKEND= <--- Connect to deployed API
REACT_APP_TRCKME_BACKEND=http://localhost:8081 <--- Connect to the dev backend if running FE/BE concurrently, locally.
Now that you've setup the enviornment variables and cloned the repository, it's time to run the dev server.
In the backend directory run:
npm install
Execute this command in ./frontend/ as well!
Let's go over the key package.json scripts and what each of them do.
"server": "nodemon index.js",
Start the web server in ./backend with hot reloading. (restart when src. code changes are made)
"start": "react-scripts start",
Start the frontend-only webpack development server in./frontend.
The code base follows a strict prettier style guideline which can be executed from the repo root with:
"format": "prettier --write './**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,css,md,json}' --config ./.prettierrc"
You must have the package installed and a .prettierrc file in the root directory for this command to work!
After this, you're ready to run the application locally!
/api/users/register | register a user
method: POST
input: username, pin, weight, height, BMI, bloodType (optional)
output: status code, msg, token
/api/users/login | log in a user
method: POST
input: username, pin
output: status code, msg, token
/api/users/logout | logout a user
method: PATCH
input: username
output: status code, msg
/api/users/init_login | (pending deletion?) set inital login to false
method: PATCH
input: username
output: status code, msg
/api/users/get | Get the user {username}'s document from MongoDB
method: GET
input: username
output: status code, msg, user
/api/workouts/create | Create a new workout for a user
method: POST
input: username, workoutType, workoutIntensity
output: status code, msg
/api/workout/machines/add | Add a new machine to a user's workout
method: POST
input: username, machine_id
output: status code, msg
/api/workout/machines/sets/add | Append a new set to a Strength type machine
method: PUT
input: username, reps, weight, machine_id
output: status code, msg
/api/workout/machines/cardio/add | Append a new exercise to a Cardio type machine
method: PUT
input: username, distance, timeSpent, machine_id
output: status code, msg
/api/machines/create | Upload a new machine to the Dixon Rec. Center collection.
method: POST
input: machine_name, machine_type
output: status code, message
/api/machines/get | Get all the machines in the Dixon collection.
method: GET
input: none
output: msg,
/api/machines/update_status | Update the status of a machine at Dixon.
method: PUT
input: machine_id, username
output: status code, msg, machines
/api/users/update | Update and save the profile of the user.
method: PUT
input: old_username, username, weight, height, BMI, age, firstName, lastName
output: status code, msg, user
/api/workouts/get | Get the user's current workout and past saved workouts
method: GET
input: username
output: status code, msg, currentWorkout, savedWorkouts
/api/workout/rate | Rate the user's workout before ending.
method: PATCH
input: username, effortLevel, tirednessLevel
output: status code, msg
/api/workout/end | End the user's current workout
method: PATCH
input: username
output: status code, msg, savedWorkouts