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feat(BV): Generic constraint representation (#1057)
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This patch consolidates the representation for bit-vector constraints in
order to separate the operator (e.g. `Band`) from its arguments. While
this has some initial overhead in terms of code to be written, it allows
sharing boilerplate code (such code for as substitution and argument
folding) across multiple operators, making it easier to add new
propagators (e.g. arithmetic bit-wise operators) in the future.
  • Loading branch information
bclement-ocp authored Mar 20, 2024
1 parent 549a325 commit adafb41
Showing 1 changed file with 160 additions and 128 deletions.
288 changes: 160 additions & 128 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -155,47 +155,123 @@ module Constraint : sig
The explanation [ex] justifies that the constraint [t] applies, and must
be added to any domain that gets updated during propagation. *)
end = struct
type binop =
(* Bitwise operations *)
| Band | Bor | Bxor

let pp_binop ppf = function
| Band -> ppf "bvand"
| Bor -> ppf "bvor"
| Bxor -> ppf "bvxor"

let equal_binop : binop -> binop -> bool = Stdlib.(=)

let hash_binop : binop -> int = Hashtbl.hash

let is_commutative = function
| Band | Bor | Bxor -> true

let propagate_binop ~ex dx op dy dz =
let open Domains.Ephemeral in
match op with
| Band ->
update ~ex dx (Bitlist.logand !!dy !!dz);
(* Reverse propagation for y: if [x = y & z] then:
- Any [1] in [x] must be a [1] in [y]
- Any [0] in [x] that is also a [1] in [z] must be a [0] in [y]
update ~ex dy (Bitlist.ones !!dx);
update ~ex dy Bitlist.(logor (zeroes !!dx) (lognot (ones !!dz)));
update ~ex dz (Bitlist.ones !!dx);
update ~ex dz Bitlist.(logor (zeroes !!dx) (lognot (ones !!dy)))
| Bor ->
update ~ex dx (Bitlist.logor !!dy !!dz);
(* Reverse propagation for y: if [x = y | z] then:
- Any [0] in [x] must be a [0] in [y]
- Any [1] in [x] that is also a [0] in [z] must be a [1] in [y]
update ~ex dy (Bitlist.zeroes !!dx);
update ~ex dy Bitlist.(logand (ones !!dx) (lognot (zeroes !!dz)));
update ~ex dz (Bitlist.zeroes !!dx);
update ~ex dz Bitlist.(logand (ones !!dx) (lognot (zeroes !!dy)))
| Bxor ->
update ~ex dx (Bitlist.logxor !!dy !!dz);
(* x = y ^ z <-> y = x ^ z *)
update ~ex dy (Bitlist.logxor !!dx !!dz);
update ~ex dz (Bitlist.logxor !!dx !!dy)

type fun_t =
| Fbinop of binop * X.r * X.r

let pp_fun_t ppf = function
| Fbinop (op, x, y) -> ppf "%a@[(%a,@ %a)@]" pp_binop op X.print x X.print y

let equal_fun_t f1 f2 =
match f1, f2 with
| Fbinop (op1, x1, y1), Fbinop (op2, x2, y2) ->
equal_binop op1 op2 && X.equal x1 x2 && X.equal y1 y2

let hash_fun_t = function
| Fbinop (op, x, y) -> Hashtbl.hash (hash_binop op, X.hash x, X.hash y)

let normalize_fun_t = function
| Fbinop (op, x, y) when is_commutative op && X.hash_cmp x y > 0 ->
Fbinop (op, y, x)
| Fbinop _ as e -> e

let fold_args_fun_t f fn acc =
match fn with
| Fbinop (_, x, y) -> f y (f x acc)

let subst_fun_t rr nrr = function
| Fbinop (op, x, y) -> Fbinop (op, X.subst rr nrr x, X.subst rr nrr y)

let propagate_fun_t ~ex dom r f =
let open Domains.Ephemeral in
let get r = handle dom r in
match f with
| Fbinop (op, x, y) ->
propagate_binop ~ex (get r) op (get x) (get y)

type repr =
| Band of X.r * X.r * X.r
(** [Band (x, y, z)] represents [x = y & z] *)
| Bor of X.r * X.r * X.r
(** [Bor (x, y, z)] represents [x = y | z] *)
| Bxor of X.r * X.r * X.r
(** [Bxor (x, y, z)] represents [x = y ^ z] *)
| Cfun of X.r * fun_t

let normalize_repr = function
| Band (x, y, z) when X.hash_cmp y z > 0 -> Band (x, z, y)
| Bor (x, y, z) when X.hash_cmp y z > 0 -> Bor (x, z, y)
| Bxor (x, y, z) -> (
match List.fast_sort X.hash_cmp [x; y; z] with
| [x; y; z] -> Bxor (x, y, z)
| _ -> assert false
| repr -> repr

let equal_repr r1 r2 =
match r1, r2 with
| Band (x1, y1, z1), Band (x2, y2, z2)
| Bor (x1, y1, z1), Bor (x2, y2, z2)
| Bxor (x1, y1, z1), Bxor (x2, y2, z2) ->
X.equal x1 x2 && X.equal y1 y2 && X.equal z1 z2
| Band _, _
| Bor _, _
| Bxor _, _ -> false
let pp_repr ppf = function
| Cfun (r, fn) ->
Fmt.(pf ppf "%a =@ %a" (box X.print) r (box pp_fun_t) fn)

let equal_repr c1 c2 =
match c1, c2 with
| Cfun (r1, f1), Cfun (r2, f2) ->
X.equal r1 r2 && equal_fun_t f1 f2

let hash_repr = function
| Band (x, y, z) -> Hashtbl.hash (0, X.hash x, X.hash y, X.hash z)
| Bor (x, y, z) -> Hashtbl.hash (1, X.hash x, X.hash y, X.hash z)
| Bxor (x, y, z) -> Hashtbl.hash (2, X.hash x, X.hash y, X.hash z)
| Cfun (r, f) -> Hashtbl.hash (X.hash r, hash_fun_t f)

let normalize_repr = function
| Cfun (r, f) -> Cfun (r, normalize_fun_t f)

let fold_args_repr f c acc =
match c with
| Cfun (r, fn) -> fold_args_fun_t f fn (f r acc)

let subst_repr rr nrr = function
| Cfun (r, f) -> Cfun (X.subst rr nrr r, subst_fun_t rr nrr f)

let propagate_repr ~ex dom = function
| Cfun (r, f) -> propagate_fun_t ~ex dom r f

type t = { repr : repr ; mutable tag : int }

let pp ppf { repr; _ } = pp_repr ppf repr

module W = Weak.Make(struct
type nonrec t = t

let equal { repr = lhs; _ } { repr = rhs; _ } = equal_repr lhs rhs
let equal c1 c2 = equal_repr c1.repr c2.repr

let hash { repr; _ } = hash_repr repr
let hash c = hash_repr c.repr

let hcons =
Expand All @@ -210,122 +286,78 @@ end = struct

let pp_repr ppf = function
| Band (x, y, z) -> ppf "%a & %a = %a" X.print y X.print z X.print x
| Bor (x, y, z) -> ppf "%a | %a = %a" X.print y X.print z X.print x
| Bxor (x, y, z) -> ppf "%a ^ %a = %a" X.print y X.print z X.print x
let cfun r f = hcons @@ Cfun (r, f)

let subst_repr rr nrr = function
| Band (x, y, z) ->
let x = X.subst rr nrr x
and y = X.subst rr nrr y
and z = X.subst rr nrr z in
Band (x, y, z)
| Bor (x, y, z) ->
let x = X.subst rr nrr x
and y = X.subst rr nrr y
and z = X.subst rr nrr z in
Bor (x, y, z)
| Bxor (x, y, z) ->
let x = X.subst rr nrr x
and y = X.subst rr nrr y
and z = X.subst rr nrr z in
Bxor (x, y, z)
let cbinop op r x y = cfun r (Fbinop (op, x, y))

let pp ppf { repr; _ } = pp_repr ppf repr
let bvand = cbinop Band
let bvor = cbinop Bor
let bvxor = cbinop Bxor

let compare { tag = t1; _ } { tag = t2; _ } = t1 t2
let equal c1 c2 = c1.tag = c2.tag

let equal t1 t2 = Int.equal t1.tag t2.tag
let hash c = Hashtbl.hash c.tag

let hash t1 = Hashtbl.hash t1.tag
let compare c1 c2 = c1.tag c2.tag

let fold_args f c acc = fold_args_repr f c.repr acc

let subst rr nrr c =
hcons @@ subst_repr rr nrr c.repr

let fold_args f { repr; _ } acc =
match repr with
| Band (x, y, z) | Bor (x, y, z) | Bxor (x, y, z) ->
let acc = f x acc in
let acc = f y acc in
let acc = f z acc in
let propagate ~ex c dom =
propagate_repr ~ex dom c.repr

let simplify { repr; _ } acts =
(* TODO: for bitwise constraint we might want to split the constraint into
constraints of smaller bit-width depending on the domains of the args *)
match repr with
(* TODO: [x = y & 1] and [x = y | 0] become [x = y] *)
| Band (x, y, z) | Bor (x, y, z) when X.equal y z ->
acts.Rel_utils.acts_add_eq x y;
| Bxor (x, y, z) when X.equal x y || X.equal x z || X.equal y z ->
let zero =
if X.equal x y then z else if X.equal x z then y else x
let sz = match X.type_info zero with Tbitv n -> n | _ -> assert false in
acts.acts_add_eq zero
(Shostak.Bitv.is_mine [ { bv = Cte ; sz }]);
| Band _ | Bor _ | Bxor _ -> false
let simplify_binop acts op r x y =
let acts_add_zero r =
let sz = match X.type_info r with Tbitv n -> n | _ -> assert false in
acts.Rel_utils.acts_add_eq r
(Shostak.Bitv.is_mine [ { bv = Cte ; sz }])
match op with
| Band | Bor when X.equal x y ->
acts.acts_add_eq r x; true

let propagate ~ex { repr; _ } dom =
let open Domains.Ephemeral in
let get r = handle dom r in
Steps.incr CP;
match repr with
| Band (x, y, z) ->
let dx = get x and dy = get y and dz = get z in
update ~ex dx (Bitlist.logand !!dy !!dz);
(* Reverse propagation for y: if [x = y & z] then:
- Any [1] in [x] must be a [1] in [y]
- Any [0] in [x] that is also a [1] in [z] must be a [0] in [y]
update ~ex dy (Bitlist.ones !!dx);
update ~ex dy Bitlist.(logor (zeroes !!dx) (lognot (ones !!dz)));
update ~ex dz (Bitlist.ones !!dx);
update ~ex dz Bitlist.(logor (zeroes !!dx) (lognot (ones !!dy)))
| Bor (x, y, z) ->
let dx = get x and dy = get y and dz = get z in
update ~ex dx (Bitlist.logor !!dy !!dz);
(* Reverse propagation for y: if [x = y | z] then:
- Any [0] in [x] must be a [0] in [y]
- Any [1] in [x] that is also a [0] in [z] must be a [1] in [y]
update ~ex dy (Bitlist.zeroes !!dx);
update ~ex dy Bitlist.(logand (ones !!dx) (lognot (zeroes !!dz)));
update ~ex dz (Bitlist.zeroes !!dx);
update ~ex dz Bitlist.(logand (ones !!dx) (lognot (zeroes !!dy)))
| Bxor (x, y, z) ->
let dx = get x and dy = get y and dz = get z in
update ~ex dx (Bitlist.logxor !!dy !!dz);
update ~ex dy (Bitlist.logxor !!dx !!dz);
update ~ex dz (Bitlist.logxor !!dx !!dy)
(* r ^ x ^ x = 0 <-> r = 0 *)
| Bxor when X.equal x y ->
acts_add_zero r; true
| Bxor when X.equal r x ->
acts_add_zero y; true
| Bxor when X.equal r y ->
acts_add_zero x; true

| _ -> false

let simplify_fun_t acts r = function
| Fbinop (op, x, y) -> simplify_binop acts op r x y

let bvand x y z = hcons @@ Band (x, y, z)
let bvor x y z = hcons @@ Bor (x, y, z)
let bvxor x y z = hcons @@ Bxor (x, y, z)
let simplify_repr acts = function
| Cfun (r, f) -> simplify_fun_t acts r f

let simplify c acts =
simplify_repr acts c.repr

module Constraints = Rel_utils.Constraints_make(Constraint)

let extract_binop =
let open Constraint in function
| Sy.BVand -> Some bvand
| BVor -> Some bvor
| BVxor -> Some bvxor
| _ -> None

let extract_constraints bcs uf r t =
match E.term_view t with
| { f = Op BVand; xs = [ x; y ]; _ } ->
let rx, exx = Uf.find uf x
and ry, exy = Uf.find uf y in
Constraints.add ~ex:(Ex.union exx exy) (Constraint.bvand r rx ry) bcs
| { f = Op BVor; xs = [ x; y ]; _ } ->
let rx, exx = Uf.find uf x
and ry, exy = Uf.find uf y in
Constraints.add ~ex:(Ex.union exx exy) (Constraint.bvor r rx ry) bcs
| { f = Op BVxor; xs = [ x; y ]; _ } ->
let rx, exx = Uf.find uf x
and ry, exy = Uf.find uf y in
Constraints.add ~ex:(Ex.union exx exy) (Constraint.bvxor r rx ry) bcs
| { f = Op op; xs = [ x; y ]; _ } -> (
match extract_binop op with
| Some mk ->
let rx, exx = Uf.find uf x
and ry, exy = Uf.find uf y in
~ex:(Ex.union exx exy) (mk r rx ry) bcs
| _ -> bcs
| _ -> bcs

let rec mk_eq ex lhs w z =
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