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Model generation for ADT theory
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This PR implements the model generation for ADT. The model generation is
done by the casesplit mechanism in `Adt_rel`.

- If `--enable-adts-cs` is present, we do casesplits by choosing a
  delayed destructor as before after asserting.

- If there is no more delayed constructors, we look for a domain which
  contains a tightenable constructor (that is a constructor without
  payload) and we choose the domain as small as possible as it does in
  the `Enum` theory.

- If we are in model generation, we can also choose constructors with
  payload (but we still choose first constructors without payload).

- The termination of the model generation is a bit tricky in the case of
  mutually recursive ADT. Please see the tests added for some
  complicated examples. I hope that I caught all the corner cases.
  To ensure the termination, the basic idea is to sort ADT's
  constructors in the module `Ty` during the parsing and to use the fact
  that the SMT-LIB standard only accepts well-founded ADT.

  We choose constructors in domains with the following order:
  - Constructor with the less destructors using the same nest;
  - Constructor with the less destructors using another nest of the same
    mutually recursive declaration;
  • Loading branch information
Halbaroth committed Apr 22, 2024
1 parent 05e98a4 commit c4b46cb
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Showing 18 changed files with 409 additions and 74 deletions.
21 changes: 13 additions & 8 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -405,12 +405,17 @@ module Shostak (X : ALIEN) = struct

let assign_value _ _ _ =
"[ADTs.models] assign_value currently not implemented";
raise (Util.Not_implemented "Models for ADTs")

let to_model_term _r =
"[ADTs.models] to_model_term currently not implemented";
raise (Util.Not_implemented "Models for ADTs")
(* Model generation is performed by the casesplit mechanism
in [Adt_rel]. *)

let to_model_term r =
match embed r with
| Constr { c_name; c_ty; c_args } ->
let args = Lists.try_map (fun (_, arg) -> X.to_model_term arg) c_args in
Option.bind args @@ fun args ->
Some (E.mk_term Sy.(Op (Constr c_name)) args c_ty)

| Select _ -> None
| Alien a -> X.to_model_term a
98 changes: 80 additions & 18 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
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Expand Up @@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ module Domain = struct

exception Inconsistent of Ex.t

let[@inline always] cardinal { constrs; _ } = HSS.cardinal constrs

let[@inline always] choose { constrs; _ } = HSS.choose constrs

let[@inline always] as_singleton { constrs; ex } =
if HSS.cardinal constrs = 1 then
Some (HSS.choose constrs, ex)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,6 +209,8 @@ module Domains = struct
) t.changed acc
acc, { t with changed = SX.empty }

let fold f t = MX.fold f

let calc_destructor d e uf =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -599,38 +605,94 @@ let pick_delayed_destructor env =
(fun r sy _e ->
match sy with
| Sy.Destruct d ->
raise_notrace @@ Found (r, d)
| Sy.Destruct destr ->
let d = Domains.get r in
if Domain.cardinal d > 1 then
raise_notrace @@ Found (r, destr)
| _ ->
) env.delayed;
with Found (r, d) -> Some (r, d)

let pick_tightenable_domain ~for_model env uf =
(fun r d best ->
let rr, _ = Uf.find_r uf r in
match Th.embed rr with
| Constr _ ->
| _ ->
let cd = Domain.cardinal d in
let c = Domain.choose d in
if for_model || is_tightenable (X.type_info r) c then
match best with
| Some (n, _, _) when n <= cd -> best
| Some _ | None -> Some (cd, r, c)
) None

let can_split env n =
let m = Options.get_max_split () in
Numbers.Q.(compare (mult n env.size_splits) m) <= 0 || Numbers.Q.sign m < 0

let (let*) = Option.bind

(* Do a case-split by choosing a semantic value [r] and constructor [c]
for which there are delayed destructor applications and propagate the
literal [(not (_ is c) r)]. *)
let case_split env _uf ~for_model =
if Options.get_disable_adts () || not (Options.get_enable_adts_cs())
let case_split_destructor env =
if not @@ Options.get_enable_adts_cs () then
let* r, d = pick_delayed_destructor env in
let c = constr_of_destr (X.type_info r) d in
Some (LR.mkv_builtin false (Sy.IsConstr c) [r])

(* Do a case-split by choosing a semantic value [r] whose the domain is as
small as possible.
If [for_model] is [false], we consider only constructors without payload. In
particular, if [r] has no constructors without payload in its domain, we
don't case-split on it. *)
let case_split_best ~for_model env uf =
let* n, r, c = pick_tightenable_domain ~for_model env uf in
let n = Numbers.Q.from_int n in
if for_model || can_split env n then
let _, cons = Option.get @@ build_constr_eq r c in
let nr, ctx = X.make cons in
assert (Lists.is_empty ctx);
Some (LR.mkv_eq r nr)

let case_split env uf ~for_model =
if Options.get_disable_adts () then
else begin
assert (not for_model);
if Options.get_debug_adt () then Debug.pp_env "before cs" env;
match pick_delayed_destructor env with
| Some (r, d) ->
if Options.get_debug_adt () then
let cs =
match case_split_destructor env with
| Some _ as cs ->
assert (not (Options.get_enable_adts_cs ()) || not for_model);
| None -> case_split_best ~for_model env uf
match cs with
| Some cs ->
if Options.get_debug_adt () then begin
Debug.pp_env "before cs" env;
Printer.print_dbg ~flushed:false
~module_name:"Adt_rel" ~function_name:"case_split"
"found r = %a and d = %a@ " X.print r Hstring.print d;
(* CS on negative version would be better in general. *)
let c = constr_of_destr (X.type_info r) d in
let cs = LR.mkv_builtin false (Sy.IsConstr c) [r] in
[ cs, true, Th_util.CS (Th_util.Th_adt, two) ]
"Assume %a" (Xliteral.print_view X.print) cs
[ cs, true, Th_util.CS (Th_util.Th_adt, two)]
| None ->
Debug.no_case_split ();
if Options.get_debug_adt () then
Debug.no_case_split ();

let optimizing_objective _env _uf _o = None

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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/reasoners/
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Expand Up @@ -443,7 +443,8 @@ struct
not (Options.get_restricted ()) &&
(RECORDS.is_mine_symb sb ty ||
BITV.is_mine_symb sb ty ||
ENUM.is_mine_symb sb ty)
ENUM.is_mine_symb sb ty ||
ADT.is_mine_symb sb ty)

let is_a_leaf r = match r.v with
| Term _ | Ac _ -> true
Expand Down
10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions src/lib/reasoners/
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Expand Up @@ -1068,6 +1068,10 @@ type cache = {
to ensure we don't generate twice an abstract value for a given symbol. *)

let is_destructor = function
| Sy.Op (Destruct _) -> true
| _ -> false

(* The environment of the union-find contains almost a first-order model.
There are two situations that require some computations to retrieve an
appropriate model value:
Expand All @@ -1084,9 +1088,9 @@ let compute_concrete_model_of_val cache =
and get_abstract_for = Cache.get_abstract_for cache.abstracts
in fun env t ((mdl, mrepr) as acc) ->
let { E.f; xs; ty; _ } = E.term_view t in
if X.is_solvable_theory_symbol f ty
|| Sy.is_internal f || E.is_internal_name t || E.is_internal_skolem t
|| E.equal t E.vrai || E.equal t E.faux
if X.is_solvable_theory_symbol f ty || is_destructor f
|| Sy.is_internal f || E.is_internal_name t || E.is_internal_skolem t
|| E.equal t E.vrai || E.equal t E.faux
(* These terms are built-in interpreted ones and we don't have
to produce a definition for them. *)
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140 changes: 96 additions & 44 deletions src/lib/structures/
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Expand Up @@ -463,54 +463,55 @@ module Decls = struct
MH.add name {decl = (params, body); instances = MTY.empty} !decls

let body name args =
let {decl = (params, body); instances} = MH.find name !decls in
let {decl = (params, body); instances} = MH.find name !decls in
if compare_list params args = 0 then body
else MTY.find args instances
(* should I instantiate if not found ?? *)
with Not_found ->
let params, body = fresh_type params body in
(*if true || get_debug_adt () then*)
let sbt =
(fun sbt vty ty ->
let vty = shorten vty in
match vty with
| Tvar { value = Some _ ; _ } -> assert false
| Tvar {v ; value = None} ->
if equal vty ty then sbt else M.add v ty sbt
| _ ->
Printer.print_err "vty = %a and ty = %a"
print vty print ty;
assert false
)M.empty params args
with Invalid_argument _ -> assert false
let body = match body with
| Adt cases ->
(fun {constr; destrs} ->
destrs = (fun (d, ty) -> d, apply_subst sbt ty) destrs }
) cases
let params = (fun ty -> apply_subst sbt ty) params in
add name params body;
if compare_list params args = 0 then body
else MTY.find args instances
(* should I instantiate if not found ?? *)
with Not_found ->
Printer.print_err "%a not found" Hstring.print name;
assert false
let params, body = fresh_type params body in
(*if true || get_debug_adt () then*)
let sbt =
(fun sbt vty ty ->
let vty = shorten vty in
match vty with
| Tvar { value = Some _ ; _ } -> assert false
| Tvar {v ; value = None} ->
if equal vty ty then sbt else M.add v ty sbt
| _ ->
Printer.print_err "vty = %a and ty = %a"
print vty print ty;
assert false
)M.empty params args
with Invalid_argument _ -> assert false
let body = match body with
| Adt cases ->
(fun {constr; destrs} ->
destrs = (fun (d, ty) -> d, apply_subst sbt ty) destrs }
) cases
let params = (fun ty -> apply_subst sbt ty) params in
add name params body;

let reinit () = decls := MH.empty


let type_body name args = Decls.body name args
let type_body name args =
Decls.body name args
with Not_found ->
Printer.print_err "%a not found" Hstring.print name;
assert false

(* smart constructors *)
Expand All @@ -524,6 +525,56 @@ let fresh_empty_text =

let tsum s lc = Tsum (Hstring.make s, Hstring.make lc)

(* Count the number of occurences of the nest of [name] in the signature
of payload [l]. *)
let count_same_nest name l =
(fun (_, ty) ->
match ty with
| Tadt (name', _) when Hstring.equal name name' -> 1
| _ -> 0
) l

(* Count the number of occurences of the (mutually recursive) ADT type of
[name] in the signature of payload [l]. *)
let count_same_adt name l =
(fun (_, ty) ->
match ty with
| Tadt (name', params) ->
(* TODO: this is a hackish way to check that `name'` and `name` are
two nests of the same mutually recursive ADT. We should store
ADT's nests in a data structure as it's done in Dolmen. *)
begin try
let Adt cases = Decls.body name' params in
(fun { destrs; _ } ->
(fun (_, ty') ->
match ty' with
| Tadt (name'', _) -> Hstring.equal name name''
| _ -> false
) destrs
) cases
|> Bool.to_int
with Not_found ->
(* If we haven't already register the nest [name'], it means that
[name] and [name'] are two nests of the same ADT. *)
| _ -> 0
) l

(* Comparison function used to ensure the termination of the model
generation for recursive ADT values. *)
let cons_weight name (_, l1) (_, l2) =
let c = count_same_nest name l1 - count_same_nest name l2 in
if c <> 0 then c
let c = count_same_adt name l1 - count_same_adt name l2 in
if c <> 0 then c
else List.compare_lengths l1 l2

let t_adt ?(body=None) s ty_vars =
let hs = Hstring.make s in
let ty = Tadt (hs, ty_vars) in
Expand All @@ -545,12 +596,13 @@ let t_adt ?(body=None) s ty_vars =
Decls.add hs ty_vars (Adt cases)
| Some cases ->
let cases = (fun (s, l) ->
List.stable_sort (cons_weight hs) cases |> (fun (c, l) ->
let l = (fun (d, e) -> Hstring.make d, e) l
{constr = Hstring.make s; destrs = l}
) cases
{constr = Hstring.make c; destrs = l}
Decls.add hs ty_vars (Adt cases)
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/util/
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Expand Up @@ -64,3 +64,6 @@ let rec is_sorted cmp l =
match l with
| x :: y :: xs -> cmp x y <= 0 && is_sorted cmp (y :: xs)
| [_] | [] -> true

let sum f l =
List.fold_left (fun sum i -> sum + f i) 0 l
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/lib/util/lists.mli
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Expand Up @@ -55,3 +55,7 @@ val try_map : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b list option
val is_sorted : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> bool
(** [is_sorted cmp l] checks that [l] is sorted for the comparison function
[cmp]. *)

val sum : ('a -> int) -> 'a list -> int
(** [sum f l] computes the sum [f a1 + f a2 + ...] where
[l = [a1; a2; ...]]. *)

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