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New algorithm for termination
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The previous algorithm wasn't sufficient to ensure the termination of
model generation for any mutually recursive ADT. This new algorithm
consists in ordering the nests of an ADT declaration using a topological
  • Loading branch information
Halbaroth committed Apr 22, 2024
1 parent c5f5834 commit f583530
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Showing 5 changed files with 160 additions and 152 deletions.
146 changes: 73 additions & 73 deletions src/lib/frontend/
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Expand Up @@ -625,9 +625,7 @@ let mk_ty_decl (ty_c: DE.ty_cst) =
let ty = Ty.tsum name cstrs in
Cache.store_ty (DE.Ty.Const.hash ty_c) ty
let body = Some (List.rev rev_cs) in
let ty = Ty.t_adt ~body name tyvl in
Cache.store_ty (DE.Ty.Const.hash ty_c) ty
Ty.declare_adts [name, List.rev rev_cs, tyvl]

| None | Some Abstract ->
let name = get_basename ty_c.path in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -662,12 +660,10 @@ let mk_term_decl ({ id_ty; path; tags; _ } as tcst: DE.term_cst) =
- If one of the types is an ADT, the ADTs that have only one case are
considered as ADTs as well and not as records. *)
let mk_mr_ty_decls (tdl: DE.ty_cst list) =
let handle_ty_decl (ty: Ty.t) (tdef: DE.Ty.def option) =
let handle_record_ty_decl (ty: Ty.t) (tdef: DE.Ty.def) =
match ty, tdef with
| Trecord { args; name; record_constr; _ },
Some (
Adt { cases = [| { dstrs; _ } |]; ty = ty_c; _ }
) ->
Adt { cases = [| { dstrs; _ } |]; ty = ty_c; _ } ->
let rev_lbs =
Array.fold_left (
fun acc c ->
Expand All @@ -690,31 +686,6 @@ let mk_mr_ty_decls (tdl: DE.ty_cst list) =
Cache.store_ty (DE.Ty.Const.hash ty_c) ty

| Tadt (hs, tyl),
Some (
Adt { cases; ty = ty_c; _ }
) ->
let rev_cs =
Array.fold_left (
fun accl DE.{ cstr = { path; _ }; dstrs; _ } ->
let rev_fields =
Array.fold_left (
fun acc tc_o ->
match tc_o with
| Some DE.{ id_ty; path; _ } ->
(get_basename path, dty_to_ty id_ty) :: acc
| None -> assert false
) [] dstrs
let name = get_basename path in
(name, List.rev rev_fields) :: accl
) [] cases
let body = Some (List.rev rev_cs) in
let args = tyl in
let ty = Ty.t_adt ~body (Hstring.view hs) args in
Cache.store_ty (DE.Ty.Const.hash ty_c) ty

| _ -> assert false
(* If there are adts in the list of type declarations then records are
Expand All @@ -730,51 +701,80 @@ let mk_mr_ty_decls (tdl: DE.ty_cst list) =
| df -> df :: acc, ca
) ([], false) tdl
let rev_l =
List.fold_left (
fun acc tdef ->
match tdef with
| Some (
(DE.Adt { cases; record; ty = ty_c; }) as adt
) ->
let tyvl = Cache.store_ty_vars_ret cases.(0).cstr.id_ty in
let name = get_basename ty_c.path in

let cns, is_enum =
Array.fold_right (
fun DE.{ dstrs; cstr = { path; _ }; _ } (nacc, is_enum) ->
get_basename path :: nacc,
Array.length dstrs = 0 && is_enum
) cases ([], true)
if is_enum && not contains_adts
then (
let ty = Ty.tsum name cns in

if contains_adts then (
let rev_l =
List.fold_left (
fun acc tdef ->
match tdef with
| Some (
(DE.Adt { cases; ty = ty_c; _ }) as adt
) ->
let tyvl = Cache.store_ty_vars_ret cases.(0).cstr.id_ty in
let name = get_basename ty_c.path in
let ty = Ty.t_adt name tyvl in
Cache.store_ty (DE.Ty.Const.hash ty_c) ty;
(* If it's an enum we don't need the second iteration. *)
else (
(ty, adt) :: acc
| None
| Some Abstract ->
assert false (* unreachable in the second iteration *)
) [] (List.rev rev_tdefs)

let adts = (
fun (t, d) ->
match t, d with
| Ty.Tadt (hs, params), DE.Adt { cases; _ } ->
let cases = (
fun DE.{ cstr = { path; _ }; dstrs; _ } ->
let fields = (function
| Some DE.{ id_ty; path; _ } ->
get_basename path, dty_to_ty id_ty
| None -> assert false
) dstrs
|> Array.to_list
get_basename path, fields
) cases
|> Array.to_list
Hstring.view hs, cases, params
| _ -> assert false
) (List.rev rev_l)
Ty.declare_adts adts

) else (
let rev_l =
List.fold_left (
fun acc tdef ->
match tdef with
| Some (
(DE.Adt { cases; record; ty = ty_c; }) as adt
) ->
let tyvl = Cache.store_ty_vars_ret cases.(0).cstr.id_ty in
let name = get_basename ty_c.path in
assert (record || Array.length cases = 1);
let ty =
if (record || Array.length cases = 1) && not contains_adts
let record_constr =
Format.asprintf "%a" DStd.Path.print ty_c.path
Ty.trecord ~record_constr tyvl name []
else Ty.t_adt name tyvl
let record_constr =
Format.asprintf "%a" DStd.Path.print ty_c.path
Ty.trecord ~record_constr tyvl name []
Cache.store_ty (DE.Ty.Const.hash ty_c) ty;
(ty, Some adt) :: acc
| None
| Some Abstract ->
assert false (* unreachable in the second iteration *)
) [] (List.rev rev_tdefs)
List.iter (
fun (t, d) -> handle_ty_decl t d
) (List.rev rev_l)
(ty, adt) :: acc
| None
| Some Abstract ->
assert false (* unreachable in the second iteration *)
) [] (List.rev rev_tdefs)
List.iter (
fun (t, d) -> handle_record_ty_decl t d
) (List.rev rev_l)

(** Helper function hadle variables that are encoutered in patterns. *)
let handle_patt_var name (DE.{ term_descr; _ } as term) =
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10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions src/lib/frontend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -170,11 +170,13 @@ module Types = struct (fun (field, pp) -> field, ty_of_pp loc env None pp) l
) l
let body =
if l == [] then None (* in initialization step, no body *)
else Some l
let ty = Ty.t_adt id ty_vars in
let () =
match l with
| [] -> (* in initialization step, no body *) ()
| _ :: _ ->
Ty.declare_adts [id, l, ty_vars]
let ty = Ty.t_adt ~body id ty_vars in
ty, { env with to_ty = MString.add id ty env.to_ty }

let add_builtin env id ty =
Expand Down
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/reasoners/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -617,6 +617,13 @@ let pick_delayed_destructor env =
with Found (r, d) -> Some (r, d)

let is_enum ty c =
match ty with
| Ty.Tadt (name, params) ->
let Adt cases = Ty.type_body name params in
Lists.is_empty @@ Ty.assoc_destrs c cases
| _ -> assert false

let pick_tightenable_domain ~for_model env uf =
(fun r d best ->
Expand All @@ -627,7 +634,7 @@ let pick_tightenable_domain ~for_model env uf =
| _ ->
let cd = Domain.cardinal d in
let c = Domain.choose d in
if for_model || is_tightenable (X.type_info r) c then
if for_model || is_enum (X.type_info r) c then
match best with
| Some (n, _, _) when n <= cd -> best
| Some _ | None -> Some (cd, r, c)
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130 changes: 60 additions & 70 deletions src/lib/structures/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -525,88 +525,78 @@ let fresh_empty_text =

let tsum s lc = Tsum (Hstring.make s, Hstring.make lc)

(* Count the number of occurences of the nest of [name] in the signature
of payload [l]. *)
let count_same_nest name l =
(fun (_, ty) ->
match ty with
| Tadt (name', _) when Hstring.equal name name' -> 1
| _ -> 0
) l
let[@inline always] t_adt name params =
Tadt (Hstring.make name, params)

(* Count the number of occurences of the (mutually recursive) ADT type of
[name] in the signature of payload [l]. *)
let count_same_adt name l =
type case = string * (string * t) list
type adt = string * case list * t list

let find_map (type c) =
let exception Found of c
in fun (p : 'a -> 'b -> c option) (h : ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t) ->
(fun k v ->
match p k v with Some c -> raise @@ Found c | None -> ()
) h;
raise Not_found
with Found c -> c

let count_in_set (set : (string, case list * t list) Hashtbl.t) c =
(fun (_, ty) ->
match ty with
| Tadt (name', params) ->
(* TODO: this is a hackish way to check that `name'` and `name` are
two nests of the same mutually recursive ADT. We should store
ADT's nests in a data structure as it's done in Dolmen. *)
begin try
let Adt cases = Decls.body name' params in
(fun { destrs; _ } ->
(fun (_, ty') ->
match ty' with
| Tadt (name'', _) -> Hstring.equal name name''
| _ -> false
) destrs
) cases
|> Bool.to_int
with Not_found ->
(* If we haven't already register the nest [name'], it means that
[name] and [name'] are two nests of the same ADT. *)
| Tadt (name, _) when Hashtbl.mem set (Hstring.view name) -> 1
| _ -> 0
) l
) (snd c)

(* Comparison function used to ensure the termination of the model
generation for recursive ADT values. *)
let cons_weight name (_, l1) (_, l2) =
let c = count_same_nest name l1 - count_same_nest name l2 in
let cons_weight (set : (string, case list * t list) Hashtbl.t) c1 c2 =
let c = count_in_set set c1 - count_in_set set c2 in
if c <> 0 then c
let c = count_same_adt name l1 - count_same_adt name l2 in
if c <> 0 then c
else List.compare_lengths l1 l2

let t_adt ?(body=None) s ty_vars =
let hs = Hstring.make s in
let ty = Tadt (hs, ty_vars) in
begin match body with
| None -> ()
| Some [] -> assert false
| Some ([_] as cases) ->
if Options.get_debug_adt () then
Printer.print_dbg ~module_name:"Ty"
"should be registered as a record";
List.compare_lengths (snd c1) (snd c2)

let topological_sort (adts : adt list) =
let seens : adt list ref = ref [] in
let set : (string, case list * t list) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17 in
(fun (name, cases, params) -> Hashtbl.add set name (cases, params)) adts;
while Hashtbl.length set > 0 do
let adt, (cases, params) =
find_map (fun adt (cases, params) ->
let b =
List.exists (fun (_ , case) ->
List.for_all (fun (_, ty) ->
match ty with
| Tadt (n, _) ->
not @@ Hashtbl.mem set (Hstring.view n)
| _ -> true
) case
) cases
if b then Some (adt, (cases, params)) else None
) set
let cases = List.stable_sort (cons_weight set) cases in
Hashtbl.remove set adt;
seens := (adt, cases, params) :: !seens
List.rev !seens

let declare_adts adts =
let adts = topological_sort adts in
List.iter (fun (name, cases, params) ->
let name = Hstring.make name in
let cases = (fun (s, l) ->
let l = (fun (d, e) -> Hstring.make d, e) l (fun (c, destrs) ->
let destrs = (fun (d, dty) -> Hstring.make d, dty) destrs
{constr = Hstring.make s ; destrs = l}
{ constr = Hstring.make c; destrs }
) cases
Decls.add hs ty_vars (Adt cases)
| Some cases ->
let cases =
List.stable_sort (cons_weight hs) cases |> (fun (c, l) ->
let l = (fun (d, e) -> Hstring.make d, e) l
{constr = Hstring.make c; destrs = l}
Decls.add hs ty_vars (Adt cases)
Decls.add name params (Adt cases)
) adts

let trecord ?(sort_fields = false) ~record_constr lv n lbs =
let lbs = (fun (l,ty) -> Hstring.make l, ty) lbs in
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