This is the mftutor project. Django project in the mftutor/ folder, Django app in the tutor/ folder.
Please indent Python code with 4 spaces and follow PEP8 as much as possible.
In Vim, you may wish to add the following to your .vimrc:
autocmd FileType python set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab
filetype indent plugin on
Clone the repository:
git clone tutorweb
You should run the Django project in a virtualenv. For a local non-root virtualenv installation:
mkdir web-venv; cd web-venv/
virtualenv .
source bin/activate
cd ../tutorweb/
pip install -r requirements.txt
You need to create a mftutor/settings/ based on in the mftutor/settings folder.
cp mftutor/settings/ mftutor/settings/
You can now create the tables and run the server.
python syncdb
python runserver