Open FPGA Stack (OFS) is an open-source solution that provides a hardware and software framework for building your shell design and subsequently your workload.
OFS provides reference shell designs targeting different Intel® FPGA devices with upstreamed drivers and management software tools.
To find out how easy it is to use OFS for your custom applications, please go to
To find information on the latest releases, go to the Discussions Tab in the OFS GitHub repository.
Accessing OFS ingredients to use within the development framework is easy. The site provides all the hardware and software repositories in one location.
Development Focus | Repository Folder | Description |
Hardware | ofs-agx7-pcie-attach | Provides RTL, unit tests, and build scripts to create an example Intel® Agilex® 7 FIM and is leveraged as a starting point for a custom PCIe Attach design. The reference FIM can be built on multiple board targets: -Intel® FPGA SmartNIC N6001-PL Platform -Intel Agilex 7 FPGA F-Series Development Kit (2x F-Tile) -Intel Agilex 7 FPGA I-Series Development Kit (2 X R-Tile, F-Tile) |
Hardware | ofs-f2000x-pl | Provides RTL, unit tests, and build scripts to create an example Intel® Agilex® 7 FIM and is leveraged as a starting point for a custom SoC Attach design. The reference FIM targets an Intel® FPGA IPU F2000X-PL Platform. |
Hardware | ofs-d5005 | Provides RTL, unit tests, and build scripts to create an example Intel® Stratix 10® FIM and is leveraged as a starting point for a custom PCIe Attach design. The reference FIM targets an Intel® FPGA PAC D5005 development board. |
Hardware | oneapi-asp | Contains the files to generate the support package that works with the reference shells and allows you to use OneAPI. This is an optional repository for developers interested in OneAPI |
Hardware | ofs-fim-common | Provides RTL components that are shared among all new platforms that are introduced in OFS. This folder is a subumodule in each platform repository folder. |
Hardware | examples-afu | Provides simple Accelerator Functional Unit (AFU) examples you can use as a template for starting your own workload design. |
Hardware | ofs-platform-afu-bbb | Contains the hardware code to build a standard interface between the FIM and your workload. |
Software | linux-dfl | This repository is a mirror of the Git site and contains the most up-to-date drivers that are being developed and upstreamed for OFS platforms. |
Software | meta-ofs | This repository provides the Linux® DFL kernel and the OPAE SDK for the Yocto® Project. |
Software | opae-sdk | Contains the ingredients to build the OFS Open Programmable Acceleration Engine (OPAE) Software Development Kit which provides APIs and userspace tools for OFS FPGA management. |
Software | opae-sim | This repository is used to build the AFU Hardware/Software Co-Simulation Environment workload developers can use to ensure their AFU can work with the OFS software stack. |
Software | linux-dfl-backport | A place for finding and leveraging out-of-tree backported drivers for older OS versions . |
Software | opae-legacy | Supports OFS platforms built on the legacy version of OPAE software. Not used in current OFS designs |
Documentation | | Contains the hardware and software collateral that surfaces on the OFS website: |