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HTTPRelay pear package

GitHub license


Copyright (c) 2016 JoungKyun.Kim <> All rights reserved

This program is under BSD license


Request HTTP GET/POST/HEAD or relay recieved query to the other server.


We recommand to install with pear command cause of dependency pear packages.

1. use pear command

[root@host ~]$ # add pear channel ''
[root@host ~]$ pear channel-discover
Adding Channel "" succeeded
Discovery of channel "" succeeded
[root@host ~]$ # add HTTPRelay pear package
[root@host ~]$ pear install oops/HTTPRelay
downloading HTTPRelay-1.0.5.tgz ...
Starting to download HTTPRelay-1.0.5.tgz (5,783 bytes)
...done: 5,783 bytes
downloading myException-1.0.1.tgz ...
Starting to download myException-1.0.1.tgz (3,048 bytes)
...done: 3,048 bytes
install ok: channel://
install ok: channel://
[root@host ~]$

If you wnat to upgarde version:

[root@host ~]$ pear upgrade oops/HTTPRelay

2. install by hand

Get last release at and uncompress pakcage within PHP include_path.

You must need follow dependency pear packages:


Refence siste:

reference is written by Korean. If you can't read korean, use google translator.

1. GET method

require_once 'HTTPRelay.php';

// all PHP error handler to myException
set_error_handler ('myException::myErrorHandler');

try {
	$http = new HTTPRelay;

	$buf = $http->fetch ('', 3);

	if ( $buf === false ) {
		echo 'ERROR:  ' . $http->error . "\n";

	$buf = json_decode ($buf);

	print_r ($buf);
	print_r ($http->info);
} catch ( myException $e ) {
	echo $e->Message () . "\n";
	print_r ($e->TraceAsArray ()) . "\n";
	$e->finalize ();

2. POST method

require_once 'HTTPRelay.php';

// all PHP error handler to myException
set_error_handler ('myException::myErrorHandler');

try {
	$http = new HTTPRelay;

	$post = array (
		'name' => 'joungkyun',
		'grade' => 'A plus plus'

	// prototype: string fetch( string $to, [int $tmout = 60], [string $httphost = ''], [array $post = null])
	$buf = $http->fetch ('', 3, null, $post);

	if ( $buf === false ) {
		echo 'ERROR:  ' . $http->error . "\n";

	$buf = json_decode ($buf);

	print_r ($buf);
	print_r ($http->info);
} catch ( myException $e ) {
	echo $e->Message () . "\n";
	print_r ($e->TraceAsArray ()) . "\n";
	$e->finalize ();

3. HEAD method

require_once 'HTTPRelay.php';

// all PHP error handler to myException
set_error_handler ('myException::myErrorHandler');

try {
	$http = new HTTPRelay;

	// prototype: stdClass head( string $to, [int $tmout = 60], [string $httphost = ''])
	$buf = $http->head ('', 3);

	if ( $buf === false ) {
		echo 'ERROR:  ' . $http->error . "\n";

	print_r ($http->info);
	print_r ($buf);
} catch ( myException $e ) {
	echo $e->Message () . "\n";
	print_r ($e->TraceAsArray ()) . "\n";
	$e->finalize ();

4. Query relay

require_once 'HTTPRelay.php';

// all PHP error handler to myException
set_error_handler ('myException::myErrorHandler');

try {
	$header = array (
		'X_RELAY_SERVER' => 'http://this-host',
		'X_REQ_HEADER' => 'addtional request header',
		'X_REQ_HEADER2' => 'addtional request header 2'
	$http = new HTTPRelay ($header);
	// you can set 'form-data' or 'url-encode'
	$http->posttype = 'form-data';

	// prototype: string relay( string $to, [int $tmout = 60], [string $httphost = ''])
	$buf = $http->relay (
	if ( $buf === false )
		throw new myException ($http->error, E_USER_ERROR);
	echo $buf . "\n\n\n";
	print_r ($http->info);
} catch ( myException $e ) {
	printf ("%s\n", $e->Message ());
	print_r ($e->TraceAsArray ()) . "\n";
	$e->finalize ();