NextJs Auth is a project showcased at Open Spring Fest, aimed at exploring and demonstrating advanced functionalities of Next.js, particularly in the context of authentication.
NextJs Auth is a web application built using Next.js 14, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, Node.js with Express, and MongoDB. It serves as an educational platform to delve into the intricacies of Next.js while showcasing best practices in authentication implementation.
- Next.js 14: Utilized as the foundational framework for building the frontend of the application.
- Tailwind CSS: Used for efficient and responsive styling of the user interface.
- TypeScript: Ensures type safety throughout the codebase, enhancing development workflows and reducing errors.
- Node.js with Express: Powers the server-side operations, providing an API for handling authentication and other backend functionalities.
- MongoDB: Handles data storage for user authentication and ensures scalability and flexibility.
To run NextJs Auth locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd nextjs-auth
Install dependencies:
npm install
Set up environment variables:
Create a
file in the root directory and add the following variables:MONGODB_URI=<your-mongodb-uri>
Start the development server:
npm run dev
Access the application in your web browser at
Contributions to NextJs Auth are welcome! To contribute, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature (
git checkout -b feature/my-feature
). - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add my feature'
). - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/my-feature
). - Create a new pull request.
| .gitignore
| commitlint.config.js
| package-lock.json
| package.json
| +---Contributor_Guide
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | bug_report.yaml
| | feature_request.yaml
| |
| |
| |
| \---workflows
| commitlint.yaml
| prmerged.yaml
| | commit-msg
| | pre-commit
| |
| \---_
| .gitignore
| applypatch-msg
| commit-msg
| h
| post-applypatch
| post-checkout
| post-commit
| post-merge
| post-rewrite
| pre-applypatch
| pre-auto-gc
| pre-commit
| pre-push
| pre-rebase
| prepare-commit-msg
| | next-env.d.ts
| | next.config.js
| | package-lock.json
| | package.json
| | postcss.config.js
| | tailwind.config.ts
| | tsconfig.json
| |
| +---public
| | next.svg
| | vercel.svg
| |
| \---src
| +---app
| | | favicon.ico
| | | globals.css
| | | layout.tsx
| | | page.tsx
| | |
| | +---login
| | | page.tsx
| | |
| | \---signup
| | page.tsx
| |
| +---components
| | Login.tsx
| | SignUp.tsx
| |
| \---utils
| auth.js
| constant.js
| .env
| package-lock.json
| package.json
| server.js
| auth.js
| login.js
| signUp.js
| User.js
In server folder you need to create a file .env (dotenv file)which should contain the following keys:
PORT = 5000