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Developers: Production Upkeep

Eli Winkelman edited this page Aug 19, 2020 · 8 revisions


LetsEncrypt Certificate Management

Certificate Authority Management

Spool uses a certificate authority to manage device authentication. See here for more details on what Spool's certificate authority does.

NPM Dependency Management Guide

Spool relies on dependencies from Node Package Manager (NPM), an open-source repository for node.js projects and functionality. The modules are stored in the node_modules folder on your local machine and the list of dependencies is included in package.json. These modules are frequently updated and improved. As a developer, you will need to manage this. Here is the NPM Dependency Management Guide.

Managing Users

We will add this section when we launch Spool for users.

Creating a user

Changing the password

Deleting a user

Continuous Deployment Setup