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This code reconstructs the environment of the Kinova arm simulation in Rviz.


In the folder, it contain two other folder "src" and "visualization"

  • src

    • In this folder, we mainly want to run the "" to get the calibaration matrixs.
  • visualization

    • In this folder, it contain the launch file, and test data. It is worth noting that the difference from the previous one is that the path planning file in the launch file is changed to "". The previous one "" file cannot move the kinova finger.


In this folder, add the Aruco Marker model of two finger(proximal and distal). Also redesign the finger and save to finger_marker_Dist1 or 2, finger_marker_Prox1 or 2, and keep the original finger design file.


In this folder, rewrite all urdf files of j2s7s300 model. Mainly modify the finger part.

launch file

If you want to add a virtual camera in Rviz, you need to replace your launch file. There is a link that how to set a virtual camera,

If you want to view the image please run:

  • rosrun image_view image_view image:= [your topic]

In this case:

  • rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera1

If you want to save the image please run:

  • rosrun image_view image_saver image:= [your topic]

In this case:

  • rosrun image_view image_saver image:=/camera1

If you want to record a video from camera window:

  • rosrun image_view video_recorder _filename:='[The saving path/The video file name]' _fps:=[The number of fps] image:=[your topic]

In this case:

  • rosrun image_view video_recorder _filename:='/home/haonan/kinova_ros/test.avi' _fps:=60 image:=/camera1

if you do not set the 'filename' and 'fps', the default value of filename = output.avi and fps = 15fps

Run Code

First, add the kinova_scrpits folder to the kinova_ws/src/kinova_ros/

Then, move the files in the new_mesh and new_urdf to the kinova_ws/src/kinova_ros/kinova_description/meshs or urdf and replace the old one.

  • Once all files are in the correct location make sure to catkin_make in the root directory.
    • cd ~/kinova_ws
    • catkin_make
  • Open two other terminals to the workspace and source all three of them.
    • cd ~/kinova_ws
    • source devel/setup.bash
  • In the first terminal run the kinova virtual launch file(if you do not contact with real kinova arm):
    • roslaunch j2s7s300_moveit_config j2s7s300_virtual_robot_demo.launch
  • Once Rviz opens run the following in the second terminal:
    • Please run follow command in python 2.7
    • roslaunch kinova_scripts rob514_visual.launch
  • In the third terminal run the following:
    • rosrun kinova_scripts <#>
      • <#> : The file number, ie 9 for the example data


Kinova arm simulation in Rviz for DDPGfD physical testing.







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