Kfz-Kennzeichen is a (german) number plate database app for J2ME devices. It was developed with Netbeans 6.0 for an Siemens S55 mobile phone (MIDP 2.0, CLDC 1.1). This mobile phone was introduced to the market in 2002, so the application was optimised for low memory consumption and performance. I found the sources on my harddisk and decided to publish it here.
Upload the compiled binary file, which you can find in the "dist" folder, to your device and run it.
I haven't tried to recompile it again with the newest version of Netbeans and the J2ME SDK, but it should work if you load the Netbeans project.
This application is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.
(c)2007, 2014 Tim Riemann / Octoate