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Solution Overview

Saikiran Gourishetti edited this page May 20, 2024 · 8 revisions


  1. Champion Management Platform operates as an app in Microsoft Teams that is installed locally in your tenant by your tenant administrator or any user who has the capability to side load the application.
  2. Once installed, it can be accessed via “+Add a tab” option at the top of the channel within a team. Channel > Add a tab > Champion Management Platform or from accessing the platform as a personal app on the left rail by Selecting "..." for more apps in left rail of Teams > searching for Champion Management Platform
  3. The app installation process will create a SharePoint site “ChampionManagementPlatform” and SharePoint list (Members List ) in this site to store all users who are nominated to be a champion. Two additional lists(“Events List” and “Events Track Details”) are created to track the events and points. A local administrator is responsible for maintaining this SharePoint list. This person can be the individual who manages the Champion program for the organization or his/her delegate.
  4. The app provides an easy interface for approved employees (Champions) to showcase their Focus area, preview, collaborate and even add their colleagues as new champions.
  5. There are 4 major components in Champion Management Platform.
  • Champion management
  • Leaderboard
  • Digital Badge
  • Tournament of Teams
  1. The Champions will be earning points for hosting events, writing Blogs, moderating Office hours etc., Leaderboard ranks all the champions based on their points globally, regionally, and even by focus area.
  2. Point accumulation , ranking logic, Event details are configurable by the Admin based on the organization needs.

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Champion Leaderboard

Leaderboard solution is intended to add a gaming aspect to the Teams Champions program by allowing champions to earn points for the various ways they are promoting and supporting the internal adoption of their areas of interest. This also gives an opportunity to reflect their activity in comparison to other champs. Leaderboard has mainly 2 different views based on the role of that employee. Roles can be categorized as:

  • i. Admin/Moderator OR Champion
  • ii. Employee

Admin/Moderator OR Champion view

In our Champions program, Admin is a Champion by default. The Champion view is to enable Administrator or Champions to identify all the members of the Champions program.

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An Admin / Champion can do the following:

  1. Access Champion Leaderboard

    • To view their current points total.
    • To view their Global rank and how they rank against others globally.
    • Search for a champion based on focus area or a search keyword.
    • View the activities of a champion by clicking on "View Activities" on the champion card.
    • Connect with a champion using the below icons on the champion card
      • Chat
      • Request to call
      • Send an Email
    • Access their dashboard with list of events they have supported.
    • Add and submit events to earn points associated with it. Example, hosting office hours can earn 10 points, whereas writing a blog can earn 5 points.
      • By default, the points will be awarded to the Champion immediately upon submission of Events
      • If the "Champion Event Approvals" is enabled by the admin, then the events submitted will be sent for Admin's approval and the points will be awarded to the Champion upon approval.

    Quick Start Guide

Employee view

Leader board encourages the employees to get connected to the Champions in their organization.

  • Every employee can access the Champion Leader board.

  • Search for a champion based on focus area or a search keyword.

    • View the activities of a champion by clicking on "View Activities" on the champion card.
    • Connect with a champion using the below icons on the champion card
      • Chat
      • Request to call
      • Send an Email
  • Employee can also “Become a Champion” by submitting their information.

    Quick Start Guide

Add Member

  1. Admin and current Champions of the program can add/nominate an employee to be a champion (Add member / Nominate Member)

    • An Admin can add employee as a Champion or as an Admin.
    • Where as an existing Champion can nominate their peers, admin will review and approve the nomination. Additional responsibility falls on the admin to maintain the Member list in SharePoint. The approval process stays with the Admin only.
  2. Admin Tasks icon will show a notification indicator when there are any pending champion approvals. The Admin can Approve/Reject the nominated champions using Admin Tasks screen.

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Manage App Logo

"Manage App Logo" option can be found under "Admin Tools" section on home page. Clicking on this icon opens the "CMP Logo" SharePoint library. New image can be uploaded to the library to replace the App logo. The new image needs to have below specifications:

  • Name: AppLogo.jpg
  • Type: JPG
  • Dimensions: 32 X 32


Digital Badge

  1. Digital Badge is intended to allow Microsoft 365 Champions to apply a ‘Champion’ badge on their profile image. It provides an easy and seamless process to share the recognition as a champion with the team.

    Quick Start Guide

  2. CMP administrators can upload multiple badges in the “Digital Badge Assets” library in the SharePoint site.

    • To make a digital badge open to all champions do not tag any tournament for that badge in the "Digital Badge Assets" library. The "Tournament" field in the list should be left empty. Additionally, the admin can set Minimum Points for the badge so that it will be only unlocked for the Champions who at least scored that minimum points from the events.

    • Admin can tag a digital badge with a specific tournament in the "Digital Badge Assets" library when the Tournament of Teams is enabled. Champions would have to complete a tournament to earn tournament specific badges.

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  3. Champions can select from multiple badges, preview the profile picture and apply on their profile picture.

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Admin Tasks

There are three tabs in the Admin Tasks Screen,

  1. Champions List - All the pending champion requests submitted by employees will be listed in this grid. Admin can either Approve/Reject the requests. A bell icon will be shown in the header if there are any pending requests.

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  1. Manage Config Settings - Admin can do the following on this screen.

    • Modify App Title. The modified App Title will reflect on the app header and navigation breadcrumbs in all screens.
    • Show/hide Region, Country and Group columns. The changes reflect in "Add Member" screen while adding new champions.
    • Admin can enable Champion Event Approvals. If the "Champion Event Approvals" is enabled, the events submitted by the champions thereafter will go through the admin approval process and the points will be awarded only after the approval. Admin can also configure the Power Automate Flow template in the tenant to send notifications to the CMP Manager at regular intervals if there are any pending event requests available.

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  1. Champion Activities - If the "Champion Event Approvals" is enabled, then all the pending event requests submitted by champions will be listed in this grid. Admin can either Approve/Reject the requests. A bell icon will be shown in the header if there are any pending requests.

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Champions Report

  • Champions Report is available only to admins under "Admin Tools" section.

  • The Report displays a snapshot of all the events recorded by all the champions.

  • The Report can be filtered based on a champion and a date range.

    Quick Start Guide

Tournament of Teams

  1. Tournament of Teams enables the organization to create and conduct tournaments for anyone in the organization to use to drive healthy usage habits and skilling on the areas of focus. The App also includes a gamification element where users gain points by completing activities assigned as part of the tournament. Users also gain access to tournament specific badges once they complete the tournaments. They can apply the badges using Digital Badge feature of Champion Management Platform. (note that at this time the digital badge component is only enabled for Champions and will be enabled in a future release for all users)

  2. Tournament of Teams is not enabled by default. It must be enabled by CMP admin from the CMP landing page’s Admin section. By default, the Champion Management Platform admin who enables “Tournament of Teams” from CMP Admin section will be added as Admin for Tournament of Teams. More admins can be added through the Manage Admins section of the Tournament of Teams landing page.

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  3. After enabling Tournament of Teams, it is available for all the users on CMP home page.

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    Quick Start Guide