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Deployment Guide

Cristiano Goncalves edited this page Apr 1, 2022 · 5 revisions

Setup Instructions

Import the Power Apps solution

In this step you will import the Power Apps solution. The solution is formed by a canvas application and two related dataflex tables.

  1. Download the solution package.
  2. Open Teams.
  3. If required, authenticate with credentials that allow import of power apps solutions and have access to Teams.
  4. On the Teams left rail, click Teams. On the bottom of the screen, click “Join or create a team” and create a public team to host the Speaker Queue application. For this document, the Speaker Queue team was created.
  5. On Teams left rail, click … a search for Power Apps.

  1. Click Power Apps and then Add. You will see a new app on the left rail called Power Apps.
  2. To check if you can create dataverse applications and initialize the application environment for the team you created previously, click the “Create an app” button on the home screen and select the Speaker Queue team created on step 3.
  3. Click Create and wait the creation of the app.

  1. After the creation of the app, on the top of the Teams Power Apps application, click “Build”.
  2. You need at least one application created to access the advanced options required to import power apps solutions. To create it, on the right side, click New and select App.
  3. Name your app as MyFirstApp and click Save.

  1. Click “<- Back” on the top left side of the screen.

  1. Under MyFirstApp, in the “Items created for Speaker Queue” table, clock “See all”.

  1. Click “Import” on the top of the screen.

  1. Click browse and select the solution package. Make sure all objects are selected and click Next. Click Import.
  2. Wait until the import process finishes. At the moment this document is being created the import process takes up to 4 hours to finish.

Note: Be aware that, by default, the Speaker Queue application will be published to all users via Teams (future steps), but only the members of the Teams team created in step 4 will be able to run and use the application. If you want users outside the team created using the app you will need to create a security group and share the application with that group. Instructions on how to that are available in the “Sharing the Power App with users outside the team” topic ahead in this document.

Creating the Teams Manifest

Now you need to create a teams application pointing to the Power App. That way you will make easy for your users to select and use Speaker Queue when setting up meetings in your company.

  1. Open Teams.
  2. If required, authenticate with credentials that allow access to power apps solutions and have access to Teams.
  3. On the Teams left rail, click Power Apps. If Power Apps is not listed, click … and search for it.
  4. Click Build on the top of the screen and then click “See all”.

  1. Select the “Speaker Queue” application and clock Details.

  1. Copy the value of App ID and save it, you will need that value in the next steps.

  1. Download the Teams App file.
  2. Unzip the file in a temporary folder.
  3. Rename “manifest – template.json” to manifest.json and edit it.
  4. Replace by the App ID value you saved previously.

  1. Save the manifest.json file.
  2. Create a zip file with the manifest.json, icon-color.png and icon-outline.png files. Make sure all those files are in the root of the zip file.

Uploading the App

Now that you have created the Teams app, you will load it to Teams and publish it to your company.

  1. Open Teams.
  2. If required, authenticate with credentials that allow publish applications in Teams.
  3. On the Teams left rail, click Apps.

  1. Click Upload a custom app.

  1. Click Upload for and select the zip file you created previously with the manifest file and the two icon files.
  2. Your application will be published and will be available for all users. Remember that only users in the Teams team created will have access to the app by default. If you need to give access to additional users, please follow the steps documented in the “Sharing the Power App with users outside the team” topic ahead in this document.

Publish the Application

  1. Open teams, then click Power Apps.
  2. Now click on Build on the top of the screen or on See more just below the Recent apps box.
  3. On the left side, select the Teams team where the Speaker Queue application was installed.
  4. Click on Speaker Queue app to open it in edit mode
  5. Now you will see a button named Publish to Teams on the top right corner of the screen. Click it.
  6. On the Publish window, click Next.
  7. Now you will see all the channels for the team where you installed the Speaker Queue app.
  8. Just select one of the channels and click + on the right side of the channel name. You will install the app in one tab just to publish the application.
  9. Click Save and close.
  10. Go to the channel where you installed the app and check if a new tab was created with the Speaker Queue app. Click it to test. You will receive a message saying the app needs to run inside an invite.
  11. Now you can go to the invite, edit and add the Speaker Queue application.

(Optional) Sharing the Power App with users outside the team

By the default, instructions provided in this document show the process to share the Power App with members of a Teams team created to host the Power App application and dataflex tables. There is a way to share the application with users that are not members of the team. The following steps describe how to share the application using a security group.

Creating a Security Group

A security group is used to share the dataverse based application with users in your company. Please use the information below if you still don’t have a security group created or if are not familiar with the steps required to create a group in Azure Active Directory.

  1. Open and authenticate using credentials that allow security group creation.
  2. Click Azure Active Directory (if the option is not available, search using the text box located at the top of the screen).
  3. On the left side, under Manage, click Groups.
  4. Click New Group, fill out the information required. Make sure you select Security as Group type.

  1. If you already have the list of users that will be authorized to use the app, click “No member selected” right below Members and select the users.
  2. Click Create.

Sharing the Power Apps application

Now that the application was imported you will share it with the group created on the first step of this document.

  1. Open Teams.
  2. If required, authenticate with credentials that allow import of power apps solutions and have access to Teams.
  3. On the Teams left rail, click Power Apps. If Power Apps is not listed, click … and search for it.
  4. Click “Share with colleagues” on the top of the screen.

  1. In the text box right below “Enter or select a security group”, type the name of the group created on the first step of this document. Turn on the Speaker Queue share enabling the “Colleague can use” switch.
  2. Click Close.