This package was developed in order to learn nav2 stack. The robot should move the pose where the user click and publish point in RVIZ simulation tool.
ros2 launch two_wheeled_robot
This launch file will spawn the specified robot by using a urdf file into a specified world in Gazebo. I have used ready-built Amazon-Home. A screenshot has been attached after this command.
ros2 launch two_wheeled_robot
This launch file runs the nav2 lifecycle manager node which contains map_server, amcl, planner_server, controller_server, recoveries_server, bt_navigator.
- nav2_map_server is reading the map which was created before.
- amcl node is for robot localization.
- Planner server is responsible for creating a path from Point A to Point B. It computes the path while avoiding known obstacles which are on the map.
- Controller server is resposible for creating reactive path in a certain range. It computes the path while avoiding dynamic obstacles.
- Recoveries server will be used when the robot is stuck.
All configuruations are stored in config folder.
ros2 run two_wheeled_robot navigate_to_pose
This node will be subscribed of the topic called "/clicked_point" and gets the user input targer position of the robot. Then, it will the target position to action client NavigateToPose type.
And robot moves to the target point.. :)