Hi! My name is Christopher. I am a roboticist and cybernetician focused on creating cognitive space robotics. I recently completed a Doctorate of Engineering in Aeronautics and Astronautics at the University of Tokyo, Artificial Intelligence Lab. I am currently simulating complex dynamics for autonomous robotic navigation in dynamic safety-critical systems, including Space Station Digital Twins. I specialize in sensor fusion, reinforcement learning, and synthetic data generation (e.g., a robot trained with multi-objective reinforcement learning to toggle sensors based on training data from synthetic images with deep learning to make risk-informed decisions).
Previously, I worked on system/software architecture and autonomous agent path planning for Upper Class E Traffic Management (ETM) spacecraft at NASA Ames (Code: ARC AFT). Additionally, I worked with several space groups including the European Space Agency, the Austrian Space Forum, EPFL, and the Space Generation Advisory Council to bring high-tech solutions to complex problems. I specialize in systems engineering and systems architecting domain for artificial intelligence, machine learning, and control systems for space robotics. Thank you for your interest!
I have developed MBSE architecture frameworks for ESA, Volvo, and Siemens. For CERN, I have developed extensive APIs for handling petabytes of data. Most of my projects focus on future-oriented technologies. For example, the CERN SHiP experiment in 2026, ESA's Deep Space (Copernicus and beyond) in 2030-2040, Space Suits for 2024+, and NASA ETM for 2030+. Finally, I made contributions to the simulation modeling domain by combining Generative Engineering and Concurrent Engineering for space system applications development for Phase 0/A missions at Siemens.
🌎 International & Multidisciplinary
🚀 Space Mission Planning & Architectures
🤖 Cognitive Robotics & Artificial Agents
🕹️ Human-Robot Interaction & Human Factors (Game Design)