This app was build utilising Next.js, to make use of SSG & SSR with Vercel as the plan for deployment. This is because Vercel requires zero to minimal configuration. Vercel is also from the creators of Next.js. There are a large number of optimisation and deployment benefits, including CI/CD pipeline which intergrates with Git repos. Vercel also includes out of the box automatic performance monitoring in the form of Next.js Analytics.
For hosting the data, I used JSON Server and Faker.js. I did this because I was able to programatically generate dummy data and it caches the data while the server is running. This is not a production solution. A number of routes get generated and makes it really easy to edit the mock data from the dev application to test functionality without the need to setting up a full DB infrastructure.
For the purposes of this challenge use what you prefer for tactically storing the information (session storage, file storage, database). However, please state your preferred solution if you were to implement a full solution.
We recommend you use a tool like JSON Server to mock the data, rather than build out any APIs. If you use JSON Server, please ensure it installed as a local dependency and not globally, as recommended in the installation instructions. The project should build and run successfully after installing the project's local dependencies.
Install the dependancies
npm install
Start the client
npm run dev
Install JSON Server globally so you can use it in the CLI
npm install -g json-server
Start the server:
json-server --watch db.js
docker compose up -d
Setup Network
docker network create propertylist-net
Build images
docker build -t propertylist:latest client
docker build -t propertylist_api:latest api
Run containers
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --network propertylist-net --network-alias propertylist-app --name propertylist propertylist:latest
docker run -d -p 3001:3001 --network propertylist-net --network-alias propertylist-api --name propertylist_api propertylist_api:latest
This application runs on two ports;
- Application:
(Default) - DB/API Server
- Changed injson-server.json
- Tests
An agent should be able to do the following:
- View all listings
- Mark an individual listing as expired
- Easily distinguish between active and expired listings
A listing contains the following information:
- Image
- Number of bedrooms
- Address
- Postcode
- Description
- Asking price
- Status -
Taking advantage of the advances in technology and industry standards, create a simple application that can perform the tasks outlined above.
Below is visual design of the listings card to illustrate what an individual listing could look like. This image is only there to give a flavour of what it should look like and not a specific design to implement. Anything not present in the specification does not need to be implemented and, where there is any ambiguity, the specification above takes precedence.