Simple Library for styling text in a textEditor (EditText) in android
Ever wondered if there was just simple lightweight and efficent font styling library for a quick text editor .Well you've come to the right place with just [BOLD ,ITALLIC ,UNDERLINE ,HIGHLIGHTING AND TEXTSIZE] this library has whats neccessary for a basic clean text formatting
Add this in your root build.gradle file (not your module build.gradle file):
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
Add this to your module's build.gradle file (make sure the version matches the JitPack badge above):
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.OmarBoshra:SimpleStylingLibrary:1.0'
Just this one method
SimpleStyling.Format(TypeOrSize,SelectionStart,SelectionEnd, EditTextName ,TextSizeIncrement ,HighLightColor);
TypeOrSize: required operation to be performed on the selected text
-1 makes text bold
-2 Highlights text provided the color is in integer 'HighLightColor'
-3 underline
-4 italic
0 Incremental increase/decrease of text size by amount of 'TextSizeIncrement'
(any size) changes text to a specific size
SelectionStart : start of selection
SelectionEnd : end of selection
EditTextName : name of the editText View
TextSizeIncrement : required incremental increase/decrease of text size +ve for increase and -ve for decrease
HighLightColor : required highlightColor of the text set to anything if the operation isn't highLight
The function
returns an array with the starting and ending indexies so a button click can be used this way:-
SimpleStyling.Format(0, SimpleStyling.autoselection(TestEditText)[0], SimpleStyling.autoselection(TestEditText)[1],TestEditText,6,0);
#If you want to be sure you can see the underline, disable the textAutoCorrection this way:-
This is an app with a full implementation here :-
Good luck