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antlr parser perf benchmark comparison - v3 #1251

antlr parser perf benchmark comparison - v3

antlr parser perf benchmark comparison - v3 #1251

Workflow file for this run

name: "ci"
# Run using manual triggers from GitHub UI:
workflow_dispatch: {}
# Run on every pull request:
pull_request: {}
# Run on pushes to any branch even 'main', as it is used to refresh the CI cache from scratch, so that it doesn't grow indefinitely:
push: {}
# In the event that there is a new push to the ref, cancel any running jobs because they are now obsolete, wasting resources.
group: "${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref_name }}-${{ github.event_name }}"
cancel-in-progress: true
runs-on: "ubuntu-22.04" # _SLANG_DEV_CONTAINER_BASE_IMAGE_ (keep in sync)
- name: "Checkout Repository"
uses: "actions/checkout@11bd71901bbe5b1630ceea73d27597364c9af683"
# Cache is updated in this workflow, and reused in subsequent workflows.
# Always start with a fresh cache when running on the main branch.
- name: "Restore Cache"
if: "${{ github.ref_name != 'main' }}"
uses: "./.github/actions/cache/restore"
# Run all CI steps in order: _SLANG_INFRA_CI_STEPS_ORDERED_ (keep in sync)
- name: "run benchmark"
uses: "./.github/actions/devcontainer/run"
runCmd: "./node_modules/.bin/tsx ./crates/solidity/outputs/npm/perf/src/index.ts"