A basic Python AI...
- Start by downloading all the files in the "AI" folder.
- Make sure all of the files are in the same directory.
- Run the "init.py" file to open the AI.
- Create an account by signing up.
- Login to that account.
- Use the features.
Ask Questions:
- Enter yes or no questions at the ">>>" prompt.
- Enter "q" to stop asking questions.
- The AI is not always accurate, but it is pretty funny.
Enter Information About Yourself:
- Enter a type of info like "favorite color".
- Then enter the actual info like "blue".
- This info is stored in your account until your account is deleted.
Recall User Information:
- The AI prints all of the information you have entered, if you have entered info.
Describe User:
- Describes the user with info like name, email, and username.
- Links the user to this page for instructions.
- AI technically still in progress so there might be errors.