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Ghostmarket SDK offers a complete set of functionalities enabling access to GhostMarket as a full-fledged SDK written in TypeScript/Javascript.

Full support in a single SDK of all blockchains integrated with GhostMarket, currently ten: Ethereum, BSC, Avalanche, Polygon, Base, Phantasma, Neo N3, NeoX, Shardeum, Blast, Neo X.

Checkout the Changelog

Published on GitHub and npm


We recommend using Node.js version 16.

yarn add @onblockio/ghostmarket-sdk-js

or if using npm

npm install --save @onblockio/ghostmarket-sdk-js

Install web3 if you don't have it already.

Getting started

EVM quickstart

To get started on EVM, you can use either a read only provider, a web3 provider (ex metamask) or a private key (to be stored in .env file, see .env.example for a reference).

import Web3 from 'web3'
import { GhostMarketSDK, Chain, TESTNET_API_URL, MAINNET_API_URL } from 'ghostmarket-sdk-js';
// if using EVM private key or mnemonic hdwallet-provider is required
// import HDWalletProvider from '@truffle/hdwallet-provider'

// Variables
const apiKey = process.env.GM_API_KEY // GhostMarket API KEY if you have one
const privateKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY // private key to use - only for private key provider
const rpcUrl = process.env.RPC_URL // RPC to use, ex ''
const environment = MAINNET_API_URL // GhostMarket Infrastructure - MAIN_ENVIRONMENT or TEST_ENVIRONMENT
const chainName = Chain.ETHEREUM // see below for chain values

/* chainName values : 
    Chain.BSC / Chain.BSC_TESTNET
    Chain.BASE / Chain.BASE_TESTNET
    Chain.NEOX / Chain.NEOX_TESTNET

// SDK config options.
const sdkConfig = {

// Option 1 - readonly provider, only reads the network state. Can not sign transactions
const customProvider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(rpcUrl)
const address = ''
// Option 2 - metamask provider
const customProvider = window.ethereum
const address = await ethereum.request({
    method: 'eth_requestAccounts',
// Option 3 - private key
const customProvider = new HDWalletProvider(privateKeys: [privateKey], providerOrUrl: rpcUrl)
const address = customProvider.addresses[0]
// Create instance of GhostMarketSDK - EVM
const gmSDK = new GhostMarketSDK(customProvider, sdkConfig);
// Start and stop provider engine - when using HDWalletProvider
// customProvider.engine.start();
// your code here
// customProvider.engine.stop();

// All set - use the object gmSDK to access GhostMarket SDK

Neo N3 quickstart

To get started on Neo N3, you can use either a NEP-12 provider (ex neoline or o3) or a private key (to be stored in .env file, see .env.example for a reference).

import { GhostMarketN3SDK, Chain, TESTNET_API_URL, MAINNET_API_URL } from 'ghostmarket-sdk-js';

// Variables
const apiKey = process.env.GM_API_KEY // GhostMarket API KEY if you have one
const privateKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY // private key to use - only for Neo N3 private provider
const rpcUrl = process.env.RPC_URL // RPC to use instead of default ones
const environment = MAINNET_API_URL // GhostMarket Infrastructure - MAIN_ENVIRONMENT or TEST_ENVIRONMENT
const chainName = Chain.NEO3 // see below for chain values

/* chainName values : 
    Chain.NEO3 / Chain.NEO3_TESTNET

// SDK config options.
const sdkConfig = {

// Option 1 - neoline
const customProvider = 'neoline'
// Option 2 - o3
const customProvider = 'o3'
// Option 3 - private key
const customProvider = 'private'
// Create instance of GhostMarketN3SDK - Neo N3
const gmSDK = new GhostMarketN3SDK(customProvider, sdkConfig);
// Connected address (neoline / o3)
const address = (await gmSDK.getProvider().getAccount()).address

// All set - use the object gmSDK to access GhostMarket SDK

Usage Common

Getting assets

// Fetch 10 GhostMarket assets.
const { assets } = await gmSDK.api.getAssetsV2({ size: 10 })

Getting events

// Fetch 10 GhostMarket events.
const { events } = await gmSDK.api.getEventsV2({ size: 10 })

Getting collections

// Fetch 10 GhostMarket collections.
const { collections } = await gmSDK.api.getCollectionsV2({ size: 10 })

Getting offers

// Fetch offers from asset.
const chain = '' // filter by chain.
const contractAddress = '' // filter for one contract.
const tokenId = '' // filter for one tokenId.
const { offers } = await gmSDK.api.getAssetOffersV2({ chain, contractAddress, tokenId })

Getting orders

// Fetch orders from asset.
const chain = '' // filter by chain.
const contractAddress = '0x....' // filter for one contract.
const tokenId = '' // filter for one tokenId.
const { orders } = await gmSDK.api.getAssetOrdersV2({ chain, contractAddress, tokenId })

Getting NFT balances

const chain = '' // filter by chain.
const contractAddress =  '' // filter for one contract.
const owners = ['0x....'] // filter by one or more owner.
const balance = await gmSDK.api.getAssetsV2({ chain, contractAddress, owners })

Getting token balances

const contract =  '' 
const balance = await gmSDK.checkTokenBalance(contract, address)

Getting token approval

const contract = '0x....'
const approval = await gmSDK.checkTokenApproval(contract, address)

Getting incentives

const incentives = await gmSDK.checkIncentives(address)
const availableIncentives = incentives ? incentives.availableIncentives : 0 // EVM
const availableIncentives = incentives[5] ? incentives[5].value : 0 // Neo N3

Set contract royalties

const contractAddress = '0x....'
const royaltiesArray = [{address, value: 1000}] // array of recipient/value array (in bps).
const royalties = await gmSDK.setRoyaltiesForContract(contractAddress, royaltiesArray, {from: address})

Approve token

const contract = '0x....'
const approve = await gmSDK.approveToken(contract, {from: address})

Claiming incentives

const claim = await gmSDK.claimIncentives({from: address})

Getting LP stakes

const stakes = await gmSDK.checkLPStakes(address)

Getting LP rewards

const rewards = await gmSDK.checkLPRewards(address)

Claiming LP rewards

const claim = await gmSDK.claimLPRewards({from: address})

Stake LP tokens

const amount = '1' // in wei (evm) or biginteger format (n3).
const isStaking = true // set to false to unstake.
const stake = await gmSDK.stakeLPTokens(amount, isStaking, {from: address})

Signing data

const message = 'signing stuff'
const signed = await gmSDK.signData(message, address) // EVM
const signed = await gmSDK.signData(message) // N3

Usage EVM

You can override automatic calculation of gas price if you add it to the last argument object on each transaction requiring signature. Example when wrapping a token:

instead of const wrap = await gmSDK.wrapToken(amount, isWrap, {from: address}) simply do const wrap = await gmSDK.wrapToken(amount, isWrap, {from: address, gasPrice: 50000}) if you want to override gas price to 50000.

All interfaces are documented here: EVM interfaces

Buying NFT

const orderDetails = { 
    baseContract: '0x....', // order maker base contract address.
    baseTokenId: '1', // order maker NFT tokenId - set to the one to offer for a collection offer.
    baseTokenAmount: 1, // order maker amount - optional - only needed for ERC1155 otherwise default to 1.
    quoteContract: '0x....', // order maker quote contract address - use 0x for native currency (ex. ETH).
    quotePrice: '1', // order maker price - in wei.
    makerAddress: '0x....', // order maker.
    type: 1, // order maker type 1 - listing, 2 - offer.
    startDate: 0, // order maker start date.
    endDate: 0, // order maker end date.
    salt: '0x....', // order maker salt.
    signature: '0x....', // order maker signature.
const buying = await gmSDK.matchOrders(orderDetails, {from: address})

Listing NFT fixed price

const startDate = parseInt((new Date().getTime() / 1000).toString())
const orderDetails = [{ 
    baseContract: '0x....', // order base contract address - nft contract for listing.
    baseTokenId: '1', // order NFT tokenId - token id for listing - set to empty for collection offer.
    baseTokenAmount: 1, // order amount - only needed for ERC1155 otherwise default to 1.
    quoteContract: '0x....', // order quote contract address - currency accepted for listing - use 0x for native currency (ex. ETH).
    quotePrice: '1', // order price - in wei.
    makerAddress: '0x....', // order maker.
    type: 1, // 1 - listing, 2 - offer, 3 - collection offer.
    startDate, // order start date.
    endDate: startDate + (3600 * 24) // order end date.
const listing = await gmSDK.createOrder(orderDetails)

Cancel Listing NFT

const orderDetails = [{ 
    baseContract: '0x....', // order base contract address - nft contract for listing.
    baseTokenId: '1', // order NFT tokenId - token id for listing - set to empty for collection offer.
    baseTokenAmount: 1, // order amount - only needed for ERC1155 otherwise default to 1.
    quoteContract: '0x....', // order quote contract address - currency accepted for listing - use 0x for native currency (ex. ETH).
    quotePrice: '1', // order price - in wei.
    makerAddress: '0x....', // order maker.
    type: 1, // 1 - listing, 2 - offer, 3 - collection offer.
    startDate: 0, // order start date.
    endDate: 0, // order end date.
    salt: '0x....' // required for cancellation, use the salt from the order/offer.
const cancel = await gmSDK.bulkCancelOrders(orderDetails, {from: address})

Edit listing price

Note: edit listing price does not cancel current order, it just hides it on API and exposes the new one only, but the old one can still be matched later. Only a true cancellation will make it un matcheable - only supported for ERC721.

const orderDetails = [{ 
    baseContract: '0x....', // order base contract address - nft contract for listing.
    baseTokenId: '1', // order NFT tokenId - token id for listing - set to empty for collection offer.
    baseTokenAmount: 1, // order amount - only needed for ERC1155 otherwise default to 1.
    quoteContract: '0x....', // order quote contract address - currency accepted for listing - use 0x for native currency (ex. ETH).
    quotePrice: '1', // order new price - in wei - has to be lower than current price.
    makerAddress: '0x....', // order maker.
    type: 1, // 1 - listing, 2 - offer, 3 - collection offer.
    startDate: 0, // order start date.
    endDate: 0, // order end date.
    salt: '0x....' // required for edit, use the salt from the order/offer.
const edit = await gmSDK.createOrder(orderDetails)

Place offer

const startDate = parseInt((new Date().getTime() / 1000).toString())
const orderDetails = [{ 
    baseContract: '0x....', // order base contract address - nft contract for listing.
    baseTokenId: '1', // order NFT tokenId - token id for listing - set to empty for collection offer.
    baseTokenAmount: 1, // order amount - only needed for ERC1155 otherwise default to 1.
    quoteContract: '0x....', // order quote contract address.
    quotePrice: '1', // order price - in wei.
    makerAddress: '0x....', // order maker.
    type: 2, // 1 - listing, 2 - offer, 3 - collection offer.
    startDate, // order start date.
    endDate: startDate + (3600 * 24) // order end date.
const listing = await gmSDK.createOrder(orderDetails)

Accept offer

const orderDetails = [{ 
    baseContract: '0x....', // order maker base contract address.
    baseTokenId: '1', // order maker NFT tokenId - set to the one to offer for a collection offer.
    baseTokenAmount: 1, // order maker amount - only needed for ERC1155 otherwise default to 1.
    quoteContract: '0x....', // order maker quote contract address.
    quotePrice: '1', // order maker price - in wei.
    makerAddress: '0x....', // order maker.
    type: 2, // order maker type 1 - listing, 2 - offer, 3 - collection offer.
    startDate: 0, // order maker start date.
    endDate: 0, // order maker end date.
    salt: '0x....', // order maker salt.
    signature: '0x....', // order maker signature.
const accept = await gmSDK.matchOrders(orderDetails, {from: address})

Cancel offer

const orderDetails = [{ 
    baseContract: '0x....', // order base contract address - nft contract for listing.
    baseTokenId: '1', // order NFT tokenId - token id for listing - set to empty for collection offer.
    baseTokenAmount: 1, // order amount - only needed for ERC1155 otherwise default to 1.
    quoteContract: '0x....', // order quote contract address.
    quotePrice: '1', // order price - in wei.
    makerAddress: '0x....', // order maker.
    type: 2, // 1 - listing, 2 - offer, 3 - collection offer.
    startDate: 0, // order start date.
    endDate: 0, // order end date.
    salt: '0x....'
const cancel = await gmSDK.bulkCancelOrders(orderDetails, {from: address})

Getting contract approval

const contract = '0x....'
const approval = await gmSDK.checkContractApproval(contract, address)

Wrap token

const amount = '1' // in wei.
const isWrap = true // set to false to unwrap.
const wrap = await gmSDK.wrapToken(amount, isWrap, {from: address})

Approve contract

const contract = '0x....'
const approval = await gmSDK.approveContract(contract, {from: address})

Getting native balance

const balance = await gmSDK.checkBalance(contract)

Transfer ERC20 token

const destination = '0x....'
const contract = '0x....'
const amount = '1' // in wei.
const transfer = await gmSDK.transferERC20(destination, contract, amount, {from: address})

Transfer ERC721 NFT

const destination = '0x....'
const contract = '0x....'
const tokenId = '1'
const transfer = await gmSDK.transferERC721(destination, contract, tokenId, {from: address})

Transfer ERC1155 NFT

const destination = '0x....'
const contract = '0x....'
const tokenId = '1'
const amount = 1
const transfer = await gmSDK.transferERC1155(destination, contract, [tokenId], [amount], {from: address})

Burn ERC721 NFT

const contract = '0x....'
const tokenId = '1'
const burn = await gmSDK.burnERC721(contract, tokenId, {from: address})

Burn ERC1155 NFT

const contract = '0x....'
const tokenId = '1'
const amount = 1
const burn = await gmSDK.burnERC1155(contract, tokenId, amount, {from: address})

Mint ERC721 NFT

const royaltyRecipient = '0x....'
const mintDetails = {
    creatorAddress: '0x....',
    royalties: [{address: royaltyRecipient, value: 1000}], // royalties - optional - use bps.
    externalURI: 'ipfs://xxx'
const token = await gmSDK.mintERC721(mintDetails, {from: address})

Mint ERC1155 NFT

const royaltyRecipient = '0x....'
const mintDetails = {
    creatorAddress: '0x....',
    royalties: [{address: royaltyRecipient, value: 1000}], // royalties - optional - use bps.
    externalURI: 'ipfs://xxx'
const amount = 1
const token = await gmSDK.mintERC1155(mintDetails, amount, {from: address})

Usage Neo N3

You can override automatic calculation of network fee and system fee if you add it to the last argument object on each transaction requiring signature. Example when buying a NFT:

instead of const buying = await gmSDK.buyMultiple(buyingDetails, {from: address}) simply do const buying = await gmSDK.buyMultiple(buyingDetails, {from: address, systemFee: '0.2', networkFee: '0.2'}) if you want to override both with 0.2 GAS

All interfaces are documented here: Neo N3 interfaces

Buying NFT

const buyingDetails = [{ 
    contractAuctionId: '1', // on chain contract auction ID.
    price: '1', // order price - in biginteger format.
    quoteContract: '0x....', // order quote contract address.
const buying = await gmSDK.buyMultiple(buyingDetails, {from: address})

Listing NFT fixed price

const startDate = new Date().getTime()
const listingDetails = [{ 
    tokenId: '1', // order NFT tokenId - token id for listing.
    baseContract: '0x....', // order base contract address - nft contract for listing.
    price: '1', // order price - in biginteger format.
    quoteContract: '0x....', // order quote contract address - currency accepted for listing.
    startDate, // order start date - set to custom one or it will default to right now.
    endDate: 0, // order end date - set to custom one or it will default to unexpiring.
const listing = await gmSDK.sellMultiple(listingDetails, {from: address})

Listing NFT auction

const startDate = new Date().getTime()
const auctionDetails = { 
    auctionType: 1, // classic (1) reserve (2) dutch (3).
    tokenId: '1', // auction NFT tokenId.
    baseContract: '0x....', // auction base contract address.
    extensionPeriod: 600, // auction extension period - 600 for 10 min - max 1 hour.
    startDate, // auction start date.
    endDate: startDate + 600000, // auction end date. - startDate + 600000 for ten minutes.
    startPrice: '1', // auction start price in biginteger format.
    endPrice: 0, // auction end price - only used for dutch auctions.
    quoteContract: '0x....', // auction quote contract address.
const auction = await gmSDK.listAuction(auctionDetails, {from: address})

Bid NFT auction

const auctionDetails = { 
    contractAuctionId: '1', // on chain contract auction ID.
    bidPrice: '1', // bid price in biginteger format.
    quoteContract: '0x....', // auction quote contract address.
const bid = await gmSDK.bidAuction(auctionDetails, {from: address})

Claim NFT auction

const contractAuctionId = '1' // on chain contract auction ID.
const claim = await gmSDK.claimAuction(contractAuctionId, {from: address})

Cancel listing

const buyingDetails = [{ 
    contractAuctionId: '1', // on chain contract auction ID.
    quoteContract: '0x....', // order quote contract address.
    isCancellation: true, // is it a cancellation.
const cancel = await gmSDK.buyMultiple(buyingDetails, {from: address})

Edit listing price

const contractAuctionId = '1' // on chain contract auction ID.
const price = '1' // new price in biginteger format.
const edit = await gmSDK.editPrice(contractAuctionId, price, {from: address})

Place offer

const startDate = new Date().getTime()
const offerDetails = [{ 
    baseContract: '0x....', // offer base contract address - nft contract for offer.
    quoteContract: '0x....', // offer quote contract address - currency for offer - only GM supported for now.
    tokenId: '1', // offer NFT tokenId - token id for listing - leave empty for collection offer.
    price: '1', // offer price - in biginteger format.
    startDate, // offer start date - set to custom one or it will default to right now.
    endDate: 0, // offer end date - set to 0 for unexpiring - startDate + 604800 for one week.
const offer = await gmSDK.placeOffer(offerDetails, {from: address})

Accept offer

const offerDetails = { 
    auctionId: '1', // on chain contract auction ID.
    quoteContract: '0x....', // offer quote contract address - currency for offer - only GM supported for now.
    tokenId: '1', // offer NFT tokenId - token id for listing - pass tokenId for collection offer.
    isCancellation: false, // is it an offer (true) or a cancellation (false).
const offer = await gmSDK.processOffer(offerDetails, {from: address})

Cancel offer

const offerDetails = { 
    auctionId: '1', // on chain contract auction ID.
    quoteContract: '0x....', // offer quote contract address - currency for offer - only GM supported for now.
    tokenId: '', // offer NFT tokenId - token id for listing - pass tokenId for collection offer.
    isCancellation: true, // is it an offer (true) or a cancellation (false).
const offer = await gmSDK.processOffer(offerDetails, {from: address})

Transfer NEP17 token

const destination = 'NLp9MRxBHH2YJrsF1D1VMXg3mvze3WSTqn'
const quoteContract = '0x....'
const amount = '1' // in biginteger format.
const transfer = await gmSDK.transferNEP17(destination, quoteContract, amount, {from: address})

Transfer NEP11 NFT

const transferDetails = [{ 
    destination: 'NLp9MRxBHH2YJrsF1D1VMXg3mvze3WSTqn', // destination address.
    baseContract: '0x....', // contract address.
    tokenId: '1', // tokenId.
const transfer = await gmSDK.transferNEP11(transferDetails, {from: address})

Burn NEP11 NFT

const burnDetails = [{ 
    contractAddress: '0x....', // contract address.
    tokenId: '1', // tokenId.
const burn = await gmSDK.burnNEP11(burnDetails, {from: address})

Mint NEP11 NFT

const royaltyRecipient = 'NLp9MRxBHH2YJrsF1D1VMXg3mvze3WSTqn'
const mintDetails = { 
    name: 'test name', // NFT name.
    description: 'test description', // NFT description.
    imageURL: 'ipfs://xxx', // image URL.
    royalties: [{address: royaltyRecipient, value: 1000}], // royalties - optional - use bps.
const token = await gmSDK.mintNEP11(mintDetails, {from: address})



Clone this repo

git clone


cd ghostmarket-sdk-js/
yarn install


To build

yarn build


To run the tests

yarn test


Contributions welcome! Please use GitHub issues for suggestions/issues.