Intellectual property of
This component is not meant to meet all the business requirements
so diving into src/
to make it fits your needs is highly recommended
See here, source in example.html
Suggest inspecting it with devtools
- Vue 1.x
- Vue Router 0.7.x
- jQuery + BootStrap 3.x + Font Awesome 4.x (available globally)
npm i vue-sidebar-component -S
<script src="dist/vue-sidebar-component.min.js"></script>
which exposesVueSidebar
as a global variable
<sidebar main-title="Sidebar" sub-title="Example" :routes="routes"></sidebar>
props: {
mainTitle: String,
subTitle: String,
routes: { type: Object, required: true }
configuration example (more in example.html
'/': {
title: 'Home',
icon: 'fa fa-home',
showInSidebar: true,
component: {
template: '<div>Home</div>'
npm run build