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offdjs is a small framework that uses discord.js created to solve the needs and simplify the development of the Oneki bot made public so that anyone can create their own bot in a few lines of code

  • little
  • fast
  • easy to use
  • 0 config


Node.js 18.12 or newer is required.

npm install offdjs

Example usage

Set your token in an .env file at the root of the project (according to discord.js specs)


At this point you can run your script from the root of your project and the bot will turn on without requiring any configuration or installing anything at all.

npx offdjs

You can also install offdjs locally and add it to your scripts in the package.json. (recomended)

    "scripts": {
        "start": "offdjs"


intents can be declared in an environment variable DISCORD_INTENTS or as an argument -i in the command, its value will be the number of intents that can be calculated in the intents calculator, or the name of the item in its upper snake case or pascal case version.

An example with .env


An example with cli

npx offdjs -i 1 GUILD_MEMBERS GuildBans

DJS components

offdjs exports all the discord.js library in 'offdjs/djs'. example: import { Events } from 'offdjs/djs'


To load events you just need to create a folder in the root called events and offdjs will read all the .js files; (custom events also work). offdjs can read subfolders inside the events folder for easy event organisation. offdjs will register the file name as event name.


├── events
│   ├── ready.js
│   └── guild
│       ├── guildMemberAdd.js
│       └── guildMemberRemove.js
├── node_modules
│   └── ...
├── .env
└── package.json

The script must export a handler function to be executed with the parameters of such an event

// events/ready.js
export function handler(client) {

Optionally, you can export an once constant with true or false if you require it to be recorded as a once event. If you need to register several handlers for the same event you also have the option of exporting a name constant where you will explicitly declare the name of the event you need to subscribe to and offdjs will omit the file name and replace it with that constant.

// events/other_ready.js
import { Events } from 'offdjs/djs'

export const name = Events.ClientReady

export const once = true

export function handler(client) {
    console.log('ready again')


Receiving interactions is similar to events. You need to export a handler function that will receive the interaction as a parameter. You also need to export a constant name which can be of type string or RegExp; this constant, similar to events, will be compared with the id of the interaction or name of the command. If the interaction has a custom id, the handler receives as parameters the id separated by :. The name of the folder depends on the type of interaction y al igual que los eventos, los scripts pueden estar dentro de subcarpetas. Here are examples of the different types:


For buttons, the folder name is buttons.

├── buttons
│   └── confirm_ban.js
├── node_modules
│   └── ...
├── .env
└── package.json
// confirm_ban.js
export const name = /ban:\d{18,19}/

 * @param {ButtonInteraction} interaction - djs interaction object
 * @param {'ban'} _ - in this case always is 'ban'
 * @param {string} id - the id of the member to ban
export function handler(interaction, _, id) {
    // example code
    const user = interaction.guild?.members.ban(id)
        content: `User ${user} banned successfully`,

Select Menus

For selection menus, the folder name is menus, they receive any selectable menu, whether string, channel, role, user and mentionable menus.

├── menus
│   └── config
│       └── welcome_channel.js
├── node_modules
│   └── ...
├── .env
└── package.json
// welcome_channel.js
export const name = 'config:welcome_channel'

 * @param {AnySelectMenuInteraction} interaction - djs interaction object
export function handler(interaction) {
    // example code
    if (!interaction.isChannelSelectMenu()) return
    const channel = interaction.channels.first()
        content: `welcomes are now displayed in ${channel}`,


For modals it is very similar to buttons and the name of the folder is surprisingly modals.

├── modals
│   └── secret.js
├── node_modules
│   └── ...
├── .env
└── package.json
// secret.js
export const name = 'secret'

 * @param {ModalSubmitInteraction} interaction - djs interaction object
export function handler(interaction) {
    // example code
    const secret = interaction.fields.getTextInputValue('secret')
        content: 'Your secret was published anonymously',
        ephemeral: true,

Context Menus

For context menu commands the folder shall be named context and shall receive both user context interactions and message context interactions.

├── contexts
│   └── warn.js
├── node_modules
│   └── ...
├── .env
└── package.json
// warn.js
export const name = 'warn'

 * @param {ContextMenuCommandInteraction} interaction - djs interaction object
export function handler(interaction) {
    // example code
            new ModalBuilder()
                .setTitle(`Warn ${}`)
                    new ActionRowBuilder<TextInputBuilder>().setComponents(
                        new TextInputBuilder()


For commands the folder is called commands, these can export a third property called command of type ApplicationCommandDataResolvable which will be the command that the client will automatically register in each of the guilds. The command property is optional. The command name, subcommand and group shall also be received in the function parameters as a custom id. If the command contains subcommands and/or groups, the name property separates them with : as if they were buttons.

Offdjs will register the command for execution in the following order of priority:

  • The name constant exported
  • The name of the constant command exported.
  • The name of the file

This means that the export const name is optional, plus, if you need to, you can name the file poll:create.js to listen only to the /poll create subcommand.

By default the commands are displayed globally, however, you can export a guilds array with the ID's of the guilds where you want the command to be displayed. If the array is empty, the display will be uniform in all available guilds.

├── commands
│   └── poll.js
├── node_modules
│   └── ...
├── .env
└── package.json
// secret.js
export const name = /poll:(create|finish)/

export const guilds = []

export const command =
    new SlashCommandBuilder()
        .setDescription('Create or finish a poll')
        .addSubcommand(subcommand =>
                .setDescription('Create a poll')
                .addStringOption(option =>
                        .setDescription('The question to ask')
        .addSubcommand(subcommand =>
                .setDescription('Finish a poll')
                .addStringOption(option =>
                        .setDescription('The id of the poll to finish')

 * @param {ChatInputCommandInteraction} interaction - djs interaction object
 * @param {'poll'} _ - in this case always is 'poll'
 * @param {'create' | 'finish'} subcommand - the id of the member to ban
export function handler(interaction, _, subcommand) {
    // example code
    if (subcommand === 'create') return interaction.client.newPoll(interaction)
    const pollId = interaction.options.getString('poll')
        'Poll finished'


For autocompletes the folder is called autocompletes and they behave similar to commands except that they do not export the command property. If the command contains subcommands and/or groups, the name property separates them with : as if they were buttons. The name of the command, subcommand and group will also be received in the function parameters as a custom id.

├── commands
│   └── poll.js
├── node_modules
│   └── ...
├── .env
└── package.json
// secret.js
export const name = 'poll:finish'

 * @param {AutocompleteInteraction} interaction - djs interaction object
export function handler(interaction) {
    // example code
    const polls = interaction.client.polls
        .map(p => ({ value:, name: }))

Root Directory

You can specify the root of your project by passing it as a parameter in the command (-root build) or by setting the environment variable OFFDJS_ROOT.

Example .env


Example cli

npx offdjs -r build

Main process

With cli

If you have extra processes, such as a database connection, you can indicate it to the cli as the first argument and it will execute it.


npx offdjs ./index.js
// index.js
import server from './server.js'
import client from 'offdjs'
import mydb from './db.js'

// your custom process
await mydb.connect()
await server.listen(process.env.PORT ?? 3000)
server.send(client.user.username + ' ready')

remember not to initialize the client in that file, offdjs already initializes it for you and you can import it with import client from 'offdjs'. the clien exported is an initialized client Client<true>.

Without cli

It is also possible to run the framework without the cli by importing the client into your index.js file and executing client.login(). To configure the offdjs options, such as intents, or root you can set them in client.options

Note: import { client } from 'offdjs' export an uninitialized client Client<false>


// index.js
import { Events, GatewayIntentBits } from 'offdjs/djs'
import server from './server.js'
import mydb from './db.js'
import { client } 'offdjs'

// your custom process
await mydb.connect()
await server.listen(process.env.PORT ?? 3000)
client.on(Events.ClientReady, () => {
    server.send(client.user.username + ' ready')

// config framework

// intents
client.options.intents = new IntentsBitField([
// root (from the cwd)
client.options.root = 'build'

await client.login()

TypeScript Support

You can type your event handlers

import { EventHandler } from 'offdjs'
import { Events } from 'offdjs/djs'

export const handler: EventHandler<Events.ClientReady> = async client => {
    console.log('ready again')