This reusable Elixir messaging library provides an application for interacting with the WorkflowOrchestrator system module. It provides the following features:
- Provides a Publisher to send events to the Notifications module
- Provides a Publisher to send events to the WorkflowOrchestrator module
- Provides a Request and Workflow struct for interacting with payloads from the WorkflowOrchestrator module
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Add the :openaperture_workflow_orchestrator_api application to your Elixir application or module.
The Workflow module can be used to interact with the payload from a Workflow Orchestrator:
request = OpenAperture.WorkflowOrchestratorApi.Request.from_payload(payload)
The following configuration values must be defined as part of your application's environment configuration files:
This module also depends on Messaging and ManagerApi, so those configuration values must be present as well.
The normal elixir project setup steps are required:
mix do deps.get, deps.compile
You can then run the tests
MIX_ENV=test mix test test/