This repo is forked from base repo to suit for our own project. I will commit PR to the base repo.
Header-only C++ consul client, based on Consul HTTP API.
Just have single head file.
- Register service
- Deregister service
- Set checks for service
- Add/Modify KV store
- Detele KV store
- Get KV store
- Health check
Because we just have a single header file, so just need to build the test project.
Require compiler supports C++ 11.
Linux OR Windows
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DBUILD_TEST=ON -DCPPREST_DIR=/path/to/cpprestsdk -DCPPREST_LIB=/path/tp/cpprestsdk_lib ../
Please use the debug libraray in debug runtime mode on
Refer to test.cpp
- Different check type (Now just have
type, will addScript+Interval
) - Bug fix and more test.
Some newer APIs may not support for now, if you are interesting about this project, welcome to commit PR.