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LoRa Gateway Tutorial

Artur Balanuta edited this page Jul 25, 2018 · 23 revisions

It is easy to add your own gateway that can locally service your devices and help extend the network. The more gateways people install the larger and our network becomes. The gateways can also coordinate with each other to significantly reduce the energy used by clients when transmitting. Each gateway will easily entirely cover a house or possibly even a large commercial space. For outside coverage, its best to install gateways on rooftops with larger antennas. For indoor coverage, a central location is best. When used in line-of-sight to clients, LoRa can transmit 15km or more! In urban environments we see around 2km, but often there are holes in the coverage from RF shadowing.

Tested Gateway Configurations

We have successfully tested and integrated the following gateways with OpenChirp that we can recommend for anyone who wants to add their own gateway.

Quick Services to Add

  • GPS Mapper to put your gateway and devices on the map