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Subscribe to data from a VDV 453/454 API.


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A client for realtime public transport data systems following the VDV-453 v2.3.2b/VDV-454 v1.2.2 specs (from 2013). Such systems are widespread in Germany, being the realtime data backends (Datendrehscheiben) of many regional transit authorities/associations.


This client supports neither the latest 2.x spec versions (VDV-453 v2.6.1/VDV-454 v2.2.1) nor the latest 3.x spec versions (VDV-453 v3.0/VDV-454 v3.0). Refer to the tracking Issue #2.

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The VDV-453 spec defines the basic protocol that client (usually the data consumer) and server (usually the provider) use to communicate; It uses HTTP POST requests with XML bodies. VDV-453 also defines some (domain-specific) services on top, e.g. DFI for fetching departures at stops/stations. The client subscribes to such services, optionally with service-specific parameters, e.g. filters to reduce the number of subscribed items.

On top of VDV-453, VDV-454 defines two additional services: REF-AUS for the exchange of daily schedule data, and AUS for realtime data like prognosed delays & cancellations.

This client has been written specifically for VBB's Datendrehscheibe. However, we're open to changes that make vdv-453-client compatible with other VDV-453/-454 systems.


npm install OpenDataVBB/vdv-453-client



While vdv-453-client is used in a production system at VBB, it hasn't been tested with other VDV-453/-454 systems.


With the organisation providing the VDV 453 API, you will have to agree upon your client's Leitstellenkennung, which – a bit like an HTTP User-Agent – allows the server to identify your client:

6.1.3 Leitstellenkennung

Um Botschaften verschiedener Kommunikationspartner innerhalb eines Dienstes unterscheiden zu können, enthält jede Nachricht eine eindeutige Leitstellenkennung (Attribut Sender) des nachfragenden Systems. […]


server address

We configure the server's address. It needs to be the HTTP(S) base URL without your Leitstellenkennung.

const ENDPOINT = ''

local HTTP server

![NOTE] The VDV-453 spec expects the client (consumer) to listen for HTTP requests from the server (provider), in order to allow the server to notify the client when new data is available, sort of like a webhook. This means that your client's machine will have to have an open TCP port! Once you have chosen your client's port, it needs to be configured on the server side. Datenbereitstellung signalisieren (DatenBereitAnfrage)

Ist das Abonnement eingerichtet und sind die Daten bereitgestellt, wird der Datenkonsument durch eine DatenBereitAnfrage über das Vorhandensein aktualisierter Daten informiert.

5.1.8 Alive-Handling

Die Statusabfrage dient dem Feststellen der Verfügbarkeit von Diensten. Dazu werden zwei spezielle Informationskanäle verwendet (Ziel-URL status.xml, clientstatus.xml), die jeder Dienst bereitstellen muss.

With VBB's system, we have not observed the server to ever ping or notify the client. Nonetheless, we strongly recommend you to follow the spec and allow such incoming requests!

configuring the client

import {createClient as createVdv453Client} from 'vdv-453-client'

const {
} = createVdv453Client({
	leitstelle: LEITSTELLE,
	endpoint: ENDPOINT,

// createClient() returns an HTTP server, which you still need to call listen() on.
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
	httpServer.listen(3000, (err) => {
		if (err) reject(err)
		else resolve()

const unsubscribeTasks = []
process.once('SIGINT', {
	Promise.all( => task()))
	.then(() => {
	.catch((err) => {

subscribing to services

By design, every VDV-453/-454 subscription must have a TTL – in other words: a pre-set point in time at which it expires.

5.1.1 Abonnement-Verfahren – Überblick


Abonnements besitzen eine vom Client definierte Lebensspanne und werden nach Ablauf automatisch vom Server gelöscht. […] Abonnementsanfrage (AboAnfrage)


Allen Abonnements aller Dienste wird beim Einrichten ein Verfallszeitstempel (VerfallZst) durch den Client mitgegeben. […]

Therefore, when subscribing to a service, the client must provide am expiry date+time. Use opt.expiresAt to provide a different TTL than vdv-453-client's default of 1 hour.

// subscribe to VDV-453 DFI service
// the ID of the stop/station (a.k.a. "Anzeigerbereich") depends on your region's data
const {aboId: dfiAboId} = await dfiSubscribe(SOME_ANZEIGERBEREICH_ID)
unsubscribeTasks.push(() => dfiUnsubscribe(dfiAboId))
data.on('dfi:AZBNachricht', (azbNachricht) => {

// subscribe to VDV-454 AUS service
const {aboId: ausAboId} = await ausSubscribe({
	expiresAt: + 10 * 60 * 1000, // 10 minutes from now
unsubscribeTasks.push(() => ausUnsubscribe(ausAboId))
data.on('aus:IstFahrt', (istFahrt) => {


Currently, vdv-453-client has some shortcomings in the handling of subscriptions; For example, it does not persist the information about its subscriptions, and it does not respond to the server with its active subscriptions (AktiveAbos) when asked. Refer to the tracking Issue #3 for more details.



If you have a question or need support using vdv-453-client, please double-check your code and setup first. If you think you have found a bug or want to propose a feature, use the issues page.